Our Dove is Leaving

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Percy and Jason found that Justin guy. Let's just say it wasn't a pretty thing for Justin. How? I have no idea. On an unrelated note Justin came to school with a black eye and a broken arm.

Percy had cuts on his knuckles and Jason came into school ranting about how if someone said anything like that about Piper again he wouldn't hesitate to give them hell. 

It’s now a week after that happened. Me and Piper had performed our song for music. I played the piano and she sang. We got an A. I was at lunch with everyone and Piper said she had important news. Jason was here because Khione was absent. So Piper stood up and had everyone’s attention. 

“So as you know I have news. You guys know how I love singing right?” We all nodded, “Well a few months ago, I auditioned for a school in California. It’s called ‘Home of The Performing Arts High School’. And well, I got accepted.” She explained.

Nobody said anything at this. I hoped this wasn’t going where I knew it was going. Tears threatened to fall as she opened her mouth to speak. She looked incredibly nervous and she kept stealing glances at Jason. 

“It’s a really amazing school and this is a big opportunity for me. So what I’m trying to say is that… I’m leaving. I can’t pass this up. I leave in three days.” She said fiddling with her hands and looking down. 

Jason looked like he was going to throw up. He had tears in his eyes. So did everyone else except for Percy, Nico and Will. But they all looked really sad. Hazel was the first to break the silence.

“I’m really sad you’re leaving Piper, but this is a big opportunity for you. Congratulations Piper. You deserve this.” Hazel said with a sad smile and tears running down her cheeks. Jason cleared his throat and stood up.

“Um yeah congrats Piper. I need to- I need to go do… stuff.” He said as he walked over to Piper and hugged her. “I’m happy for you Pipes” he said, barely audible. He then walked away and out of the cafeteria. Everyone else congratulated Piper and started making group plans for everyone to make her last days here fun. I was the last one to go.

“You’re really special Piper. You’re going to do great. You are the most talented person I know and I can’t think of anyone else who deserves this opportunity as much as you do. I can’t believe you’re leaving” I said as tears started spilling out. I hugged her tightly and went with everyone to make plans. 

I sat down next to Percy and he kissed my forehead. He reassured me that Piper was going to be fine in California. Me and him have barely seen each other these past few days. Gods, I missed him and Sally so much. 

“Thank you for being here, Seaweed Brain. For always being here and putting up with me. I'm glad I have you. ” I said as I gave him a peck of the lips. 

“I’ll always be here, Wise Girl” He said, putting his arm around my shoulder. He pulled me closer to him and rested his head on mine. He had his signature lopsided smile and I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have him in my life. 

I looked back at Piper and she was staring at the cafeteria exit. Where Jason had left. It was almost as if she were hoping that he would walk back in, but he didn’t. We didn’t see him for the rest of the day. 

How it all started... But in High SchoolOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz