My Luck Needs To Make Up Their Mind

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           I kissed him softly. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was amazing. His kiss was intoxicating. His lips were salty and I loved it.  It lasted a few seconds and at first Percy was surprised. But he then pulled me tightly and kissed me back. I pulled away smiling. And Percy was wide eyed. He looked surprised, but his face didn't exactly make it look like he enjoyed what had just happened. My face fell because I thought I had messed up.

"Oh my gods, Percy I'm so sorry. I'm sorry Percy, it just happened. I don't know, I'm sorry!" I said, taking a step back from Percy.

"Woah calm down." He took a step towards me, but as he did I stepped back. "It's fine Annabeth. I actually rea-" But I cut him off. 

"No it's not fine. I kissed you and I'm sorry. It was a mistake Percy, I didn't mean to. It just sort of happened out of relief i think. I don't know Percy, but I'm sorry. It was a mistake." I said. Percy's face fell and a look of disappointment appeared. Then his expression turned serious. He took a step back and put his hands in his pocket. He wouldn't look at me.

"It was a mistake" he repeated, "You didn't mean to." He said, staring at the floor. I instantly regretted saying that. Of course I knew it wasn't true. I wanted to kiss him, and it wasn't a mistake. At least to me it wasn't. I was about to say the truth, but Percy spoke up.

"Yeah well, um I think it's time for you to go back home Annabeth. I have uh stuff to do" He said quietly looking at me. He had a sad expression and the sparkle in his eyes that I loved, wasn't there anymore. I was taken aback, but not wanting to make things worse by arguing, so I just agreed.

"Oh um yeah me too. Let me just go change back into my old clothes and I'll leave." I said as I started making her way to his bathroom. But Percy stopped me and looked at the ground.

"Stay in that. Your clothes are dirty. My mom will wash them and I'll have Thalia give them back to you on Monday." He said. I knew why he said Thalia. He didn't want to be around me , and as much as that hurt, I had to respect that.

"Ok. I'm going to pack up my stuff then." It wasn't hard and didn't take long. I only had to put the books back in my backpack and put my hoodie on. Percy made his way to the door and opened it for me, making it even more obvious he wanted me out immediately.

"Percy did someone open the door?" Sally asked, walking towards us. I didn't look at Sally. I knew if I did I would just cry. So I stared at the ground.

"Annabeth is leaving, mom." Percy said. I wanted to get out fast so I could go home and cry. "Um yeah my dad texted me. He needs help with my siblings."I lied, still not looking up.

"Listen, I really should go. Thank you for everything Mrs. Jackson. Bye" i said. Then I practically ran out the door. I heard Sally yell out goodbye and then Percy closed the door. I ran out of the building and started running home. Tears were falling and I couldn't stop them. In no time I got home and ran to my bedroom. I could hear my father yelling behind me asking if I was alright. I wanted to tell him what happened, but not now. So I ignored him and ran into my bedroom, where I locked the door and threw myself onto my bed. I cried for what seemed like hours.

After I stopped crying I checked my phone. Percy had texted me and called me twice. I didn't check to see what he said, but part of me wanted to. I turned off my phone and stared at my ceiling instead. After a while I heard a knock on my door. I reluctantly went and opened it.

Standing at my bedroom door was my step-mom. Holding two mugs of hot chocolate with a bag of cookies under her arm. I stepped back, in complete shock.

"Hi Annabeth. Can I come in?" she asked quietly. I came out of my shock and let her in. She put the mugs and cookies on my desk then shut the door. She then proceeded to grab the hot chocolate and cookies, give me a mug, sit on my bed and open the cookie bag.

"Annabeth, what's wrong? Tell me what happened. Please" She said with a sympathetic look. I didn't want to tell her. Not after all of these years of torture. I stayed silent and drank some hot chocolate. It was surprisingly good.

"Annabeth I get that you don't trust me and probably never will. I understand. I have treated you awfully all of these years. And I honestly feel awful for doing that. I feel like a horrible person. All of these years I acted like this because I was mad and jealous of your mother." She said. I immediately looked up at the mention of my mother.

"You knew my mother?!" I asked hopefully. If she knew my mother then I could finally get some information about her. I just wanted to have something I could rely on. I didn't want to find my mother though. I just wanted to know how she was so I could see if we had anything in common.

"No Annabeth. I didn't know your mother. But I was jealous of her nonetheless. Your father cares about you more than you know. A lot more actually. When you ran away he was devastated. He immediately called the police and went ballistic trying to find you. Every night he would stay awake just in case you came back."

"And I knew he would always prefer you over the boys. He could never love them like he loves you. You remind him of your mother. And I was jealous because i knew that no matter how hard i tried, i could never be as special to him as she was. And I took my anger out on you. Because you were like her. And I am so sorry Annabeth. I regret everything I ever did to you."

"And if you gave me the chance, I would love to bond with you. Do mother-daughter things together. Be the mother you need. However I completely understand if you don't accept my apology. I understand if it takes time for me to gain your trust. But I am always here for you" She explained with tears in her eyes. She stood up and started to leave.

"Wait!" I said, "Thank you for that Helen. I appreciate it". I smiled and she hugged me before walking back to the door.

"Anytime Annabeth. Also your father cancelled your tutoring at school tomorrow. He figured you deserve some rest." She said before leaving and closing the door behind her. She took her mug of chocolate, but left the cookies and my mug. I ate and then listened to music on my computer as I fell asleep.

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