My Songs Are Almost As Bad As Piper's Love Life

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Once everyone was settled in their seats, the steps, the teacher walked into the room and looked around. He has blond hair, tan skin, and bright sky blue eyes. He looked a bit young  to be a teacher. Possibly in his early twenties, because of his muscular build. 

His eyes landed on me and he seemed to be studying me. Not in a creepy way, more like a way to guess what I could do musically. He looked away and addressed the class. 

    “Alright everyone good morning. Today you will be given a project that will be due next week. What that project will be, depends on our new student” He looked at me and everyone followed his gaze. 

    I awkwardly smiled and waved. The students looked at me eagerly, as if they couldn’t wait for the project. They all looked kind and I was curious to see what everyone could do. 

    “Hello. I’m Annabeth Chase” I said with a smile. There was a chorus of “hi’s and “hello”s and “hey”s. The teacher silenced the class and turned to me. 

    “Welcome Miss Chase. I’m Mr. Apollo. So Annabeth, what are you good at? Music wise I mean” He asked. 

    “I’m sorry I don’t know.” I said looking at the ground in front of me. I took a look at the other students and they all looked confused. 

    “Do you play any instruments?” 
    “Do you sing?”
    “Not really, no I don’t sing” 
    “Are you good with words?”

    “Yes” I said with excitement and pride. Mr.Apollo smiled and turned to face the whole class. Everyone had a glint in their eyes as if they knew what would happen next. Even Piper had a big smile. 

    “I think we have our project everyone. You will have until next Wednesday to write and perform an original song for the whole class. You will complete this project in pairs. Your songs will be judged and graded by the best song writer here… Me of course” He said with a smug look. Some students chuckled at this, including me, but the majority of the class sighed. 

    “Everyone, you may pick your partners now.” Mr. Apollo said. Everyone scrambled to pick their partners. I was nervous because I didn’t really know anyone, but luckily Piper put her hand on my shoulder and smiled. 

    “Hey partner” She said with a chuckle. I smiled and we both sat back down. Once everyone was settled and had their partners we were told to get to work. Me and Piper grabbed our bags and sat by the doorway. We got out our notebooks and began the process. 

    “Ok you’re good with words right?” I nodded, “Do you have anything we could possibly use or a topic we could use?” She asked. Almost immediately I wrote the words I've been thinking about since the shooting. Since I remembered my past with Luke and Thalia. 

    “Younger than most, just trying to survive
    Escaping certain death, wanting to see the light
     Running away from our demons all the way through the night
     You found me and taught me how to love my mind”

    Piper read it and looked at me with sadness. I cleared my throat. The lyrics not only sucked, but were too personal to share.

    “Um sorry about that. Let’s not use it. I just needed to let it out I guess. It’s pretty personal” I said, my voice hoarse. She said it was ok and she understood.

    We talked about the lyrics but didn’t get anywhere so we agreed to write lyrics at home and bring them tomorrow. 

    The day went by very fast but it was great. We met Jason’s best friend Nico DiAngelo and his friend (crush), Will Solace. It was painfully obvious they both liked each other, but it would take some time to get them to admit it. The classes were great, but easy. Percy was amazing too. 

    The end of the day wasn’t so great. I was talking with Piper and she came to a sudden stop. On the other side of the hallway there was Jason and this girl. Piper later told me her name was Khione. She kissed his cheek and Jason became a blushing smiling mess. He kissed her forehead and Piper ran away. 

    She was heartbroken and I felt terrible for her. She didn’t deserve to feel so sad, especially not over Jason. Afterwards Percy took me home and when I started writing in my room. 

    It was long and difficult. I couldn’t come up with anything good. I wrote about a breakup. I wanted it to feel personal so I wrote it with beach references. Beaches reminded me of Percy.

Could it all have been just a dream
The world where it was you and me
Washed away by the crashing waves

Was there ever really any us?
Everything blew away, like grains of dust
And I’m here now forgetting yesterday

That was a big no. I hated those lyrics, and it took my half an hour to come up with them. I decided to write about Piper’s broken heart. We could use that as our topic but change it up.

And ever since you left I wonder
Are you happier now? (happier now)
Am I still the one you dream about (dream about)
Am I the girl you wish had stuck around (stuck around)
Or did I just let you down?

Because behind these multicolored eyes you’ll find
A world in which it’s just you and i 
A longing that you’ll never see
Even when you’re away from me
Behind these multicolored eyes you’ll see
A desire that runs deep in me 

And I might be doing this wrong
By saying everything in this song
All I know is, I’m still stuck on you
I’m not sure, what exactly I should do
But I’m trying my best to tell you
That all I know is, I’m still stuck on you

This was it. I was going to show this to Piper tomorrow. I finally had it.

[i wrote these lyrics btw sorry if you dont like them (i don't like them that much either)]

How it all started... But in High SchoolTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang