My Best Friend Is a Little Too Persuasive

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          “How long have you liked Luke?” she asked. I forced myself not to look her in the eyes or else I would've spilled it all.

           “I don’t like him Thalia.” i said, looking down at my books. “You sure Annie?’” We both looked back at Luke. He was choosing what chips he should buy and then one of our friends Grover called him over. Grover was one of the friends who started talking to Thalia in freshman year and then he sorta joined our group. We all loved Grover.

He usually sits with us,but today he was talking with this other kid. I didn’t know who he was but I couldn’t see him so I didn’t pay much attention to him. He was walking towards him when he slipped on and fell. Grover started laughing and went over to help him. Me and Thalia lagged and then stopped looking. 

          I made the mistake of looking at her. She raised her eyebrows and when I looked her in the eyes I couldn't lie to her.

          “2 years” i said miserably “I know it’s not going to go anywhere Thalia. He’s two years older than me and doesn’t even notice me as more than his little sister”. She studied me carefully for an entire minute. I couldn’t read her face, I didn’t know what she was thinking. Finally she spoke.

          “Annie you can’t know that for sure. He might like you, but not show it since you’ve been friends for years. He probably just doesn’t want to ruin your friendship”. I was about to say something when Luke came back with Thalia’s chips. 

          “Your chips, Thalia” he said “Luke saves the day once again!”. “Yeah the way you slipped was very heroic” said Thalia, sarcastically. We all burst out laughing hysterically. The bell rang and I said bye to Luke and Thalia, then I went on with my classes.

          I could barely pay attention to any of my classes. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Thalia had said. I wanted to get excited because I might actually have a shot with Luke. But I didn't dare get my hopes up. I learned the hard way that getting your hopes up only disappoints you in the end. But deep down a part of me believed that Luke liked me and it was only a matter of time before we got together. 

          I believed that Thalia was saying the truth and that Luke was into me. Sure she was uncertain about what she said. Sure she didn’t actually know. Sure she probably only said that to make me feel better. But I believed what I wanted to believe. 

          I was in my last period of the day, biology. I didn’t pay attention at all until this new kid suddenly walked in and started talking to the teacher.

          “What are you doing in my classroom, young man” asked the teacher. He handed her a note and apologized for being disruptive. She read the note and unenthusiastically said “Welcome young man. Take a seat”. He took a seat at the back of the class. She turned and faced the classroom. 

          “Attention everyone there has been a sudden addition to this class” she said as she gestured towards the new guy. He had messy black hair, sea green eyes and he wore jeans with a hoodie and vans. 

          'He would be cute if Luke didn’t exist. Luke is very good looking' she thought. “Everyone, this is Percy Jackson. Welcome” the teacher said. Me and Percy made eye contact, but then i looked away and tried to focus on something else, anything else.

          I don’t understand why this guy is taking my attention. I had never talked to him and we made eye contact for literally just one second. But still, this boy gave me a feeling that not only i couldn’t shake, but i couldn’t recognize what that feeling was either.

          The class ended and I walked out of class and Percy came up to me. 'Dangit' i thought.

          “Um hey” he said, awkwardly. “Uh hi Percy”. He blinked as if I was an alien. “You know my name?” “Obviously I do. The teacher said it to the whole class”. I started walking, hoping he wouldn’t follow and walk with me. But of course, he did just that.

          “Oh yeah sorry. I tried tuning her out so i guess i didn’t realize. What’s your name?” he asked. “I’m Annabeth. Welcome to Goode”. He was about to say something but I saw Thalia, Luke and Grover by my locker. They were talking and waiting for me so I saw the chance and took it. 

          “Sorry i have to go. See ya!” I said. He might’ve said something,but i ran to them so i didn’t hear anything. I got to my locker and started talking to them. We were talking about our day until Grover pointed out what I didn't want anyone pointing out.

          “Hey, I saw you talking to Percy. Are you friends? Do you know him” he asked. “Um no. He’s the new kid in my biology class. Wait, how do you know him?” I asked. “Oh well today i saw him sitting by himself at lunch and I remembered how sad I was when I would sit alone being the new kid. So I sat with him and now he's my friend” he explained.

At first i didn’t find anything wrong with it so i was like “oh cool”. But then i realized that it might lead to him joining our friend group. For some reason I felt butterflies in my stomach. But i figured that was because Luke was around. Eventually I accepted the fact he might stick around and didn’t mind it as much.

          I got home and went up to my room. I did all my homework and decided that as long as Percy was Grover’s friend I would have to deal with him. 

          'Whatever, forget about that Percy guy and focus on the real stuff. Luke' i thought. 'He likes me, I’m sure of it'.I then proceeded to imagine my life dating Luke. For some reason i became convinced he liked me and didn’t think that the possibility of him not feeling the same was impossible. 


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