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yes baby?

i normally wouldn't ask but it's that time of month again and since you're already at the store..

tampons or pads?

tampons and pads if you don't mind.

of course. anything else my baby wants?

just you..

and maybe a burger from mcdonalds

on it! ill be home shortly.

be safe okay?

zayn looks around until he finds the feminine products.

he was a bit confused though. this was his first time shopping for pads and tampons. he had no clue what was what and which ones were better.

zayn sighs before grabbing a box and looking at the back.


zayn turns and spots harrie's step mom. he smiles at her. "hi."

"hey sweetie. what are you doing?" tracee gives him a hug.


tracee looks down and smiles. "confused?"

"you have no idea. do you know which ones harrie use?"

tracee nods before picking up a box of both tampons and pads. "she just started right?"

zayn nods.

"okay then yeah. these will do."

zayn sighs in relief.

"how's our princess doing? she hasn't been home much. i feel like she's already gone to college." tracee frowns.

zayn chuckles. "she's doing better. she gets up every morning for school and if she needs a break all her teachers understand and let's her sit in the nurses office."

"when are you two coming to stay with us. tom and i already discussed that harrie needs you right now so it's fine if you stay."

"we know. tom explained to us. harrie said next week. we both talked and think it's best to stay at one place for a while though. i know you and tom don't mind. that's why we stayed at mine. but next week we were thinking of staying there for at least a month."

"that's okay. i love having you around."

zayn nods. "how are you? how's mandy?"

"she's good thanks! she's five months along. we just found out we're having a girl. so harrie will be a big sister to a healthy baby girl."

"that's exciting! im sure she'll be thrilled."

tracee smiles before the two said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

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