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despite the rules zayn and harrie's parents gave, the two still would sneak in each other's rooms at night. they had just confirmed their relationship and it was in the honeymoon faze.

they wanted to be around the other at all times if they could help it.

right now the two just finished round two of sex and they were now watching martin while enjoying the others company.

zayn was in harrie's lap while she was playing in his hair.

"you know, this is nice." zayn states.

harrie looks at him with a huge smile.

"it is."

"this could be us in the future. in our own home while our children sneaking in their boyfriends and girlfriends."

harrie laughs.

"yeah but we'll always know."

"we could bust them just for the hell of it."

harrie nods. "it'll be fun too."

"and we'll have a dog."

"and a cat."

"of course! we have to have one of each."

"and you'll be a big football star."

"and you'll be an amazing writer."

"we'll have a pool in our backyard."

"and you'll be pregnant with our third baby."

"and we'll be happy." harrie finishes.

zayn sits up before kissing his girlfriend gently.

"i think we just planned our future."

harrie nods. "i believe we did." she giggles as zayn starts kissing her neck.

"you're so fucking perfect." zayn whispers in her ear before he pushes her down gently and gets on top of her.

harrie gasps as he pushes inside her with no warning.

"fuck." harrie moans.

zayn kisses her deeply before he begins to fuck her gently.

"i love you."

"i love you too zayn."

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