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⚠️ Metions Self Harm ⚠️
one of the biggest mistakes harrie has ever made is trusting someone a beautiful as zayn.

everytime she closes her eyes she thinks back to the moment where he destroyed her, more than anyone ever has.

that was the first time she finally did it, she finally found something that wouldn't hurt her unless she asked, something she controls instead of it controlling her.

so, everyday when she heard anyone say anything about her or when she got specific looks, or even when her mother threw her weight down her throat she would control the situation with just a little pinch to her arm.

it went on for a year before her step mother found her half dead on the floor with blood gushing out of her arm.

for six weeks she was committed but it felt like an eternity.

of course this didn't change anything with her mom or the kids at school.

they still called her names like 'Miss Piggy' and it still hurt but she pushed through.

she didn't do it for herself, she hated herself. she did it for her dad, for her sister, for the woman who was more her mother than her actual mom.

the looks in their faces the day she was brought to the hospital still haunts her.

and all because of the thing zayn did to her. this is why she could never forgive him.

harrie sighs as she grabs her backpack and heads downstairs.

"good morning princess."

harrie smiles at her father as he kisses the top of her head.

"tonight i have some big news." he states.

yara smiles widely.

"why can't we know now dad? the suspense is killing me." yara asked.

"you can wait patiently my darlings. your mother doesn't even know."

harrie's father smirks at his wife.

"hes telling the truth. ive been trying to beg him to tell me but i got nothing out of him." tracee rolls her eyes.

"fine. i guess we have no choice but to wait for you to spill the beans." yara states before grabbing her backpack.

"harrie and i should get going before we're late."

"do you need a ride?" tracee asked.

harrie just shakes her head.

"no, we're just gonna walk. thanks mom." yara smiles before they both leave.
harrie finds an empty table in the library before she takes a seat.

she opens up the book she's reading and pulls out a few snacks from her bag.

she sighs happily before continuing to read where she left off.

harrie was enjoying the few minutes that she had until liam payne sits next to her.

she sighs before looking into his eyes.

"what do you want liam?"

"cant i sit next to a friend?"

harrie nods.

"you can. unfortunately this is the first time we've really talked in a while. so i ask again. what do you want?"

"zayn wants to know why you won't forgive him."

"why does he care so much?"

"because he's trying to form a study group and he wants you to be apart of it."

harrie laughs.

"of course he does. tell him to go fuck himself." harrie slowly gets up before liam grabs her hand.

"what's up with you? zayns trying to be friends with you again, risking his reputation for you."

harrie pulls her arms away from his hold.

"you know what the problem is asshole? its dickheads like you who think they can say whatever they want to say without consequences. what ever happen to us all being equal and loving ourselves? you know the saddest thing about starting high school? its the fact that now there is stereotypes. you got the popular assholes, jocks, nerds, outcast, and more. back in middle school it was just us all having fun. but now shit like weight and height matter because we're all stuck in this superficial modern world."

"are you done ranting?"

harrie shakes her head.

"we use to be friends liam. you, me, zayn, niall, and louis. at least niall and lou didn't become assholes. tell zayn i said leave me the hell alone." harrie gets up and leaves the library.

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