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harrie, please come back outside.


they're assholes harrie. please come back.

they're not though zayn. they're just being honest. I'm disgusting.

you're not harrie. your body is perfectly fine.

i can't go out there zayn. im completely embarrassed. i don't think i could face any of them again.

harrie.. if you dont come out im coming in.

you can try but i locked myself in the bathroom.

harrie, please talk to me.

i hate myself zayn.. and their perfect bodies just makes me hate myself more.

fuck them harrie! they're fucking dicks who don't know your worth. you're beautiful just the way you are.

you know, that doesn't really make me feel better about myself. if anything it makes me feel worse.

im sorry.. please just come out.

my answers still no.

god dammit harrie!
harrie sighs as she looks herself in the mirror. she still decided to wear her swimsuit under the shirt but overall she was gonna hide her body.

she knew if she went out there just wearing this everyone would stare at her and laugh. she couldn't handle that right now.

her moms already enough to make her feel like shit and anything could push her into a dark spot.

she choose not to push her health and just keep the shirt on the whole time.

"you look beautiful." harrie turns and sees niall.

"thanks niall. do you have lous shirt?"

niall nods before handing her the shirt.

"you sure you wanna wear this? i think you look fucking fantastic."

"im sure." harrie gives him a half smile.

"as long as you're sure babes. i don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"ill be uncomfortable if i didn't wear it."

niall nods understandably.

harrie puts the shirt on before she smiles at niall.

"you ready?"

harrie nods before following niall out of the door.

when they get outside they see everyone having fun playing in the water.

harrie just sits by the deck.

she brought a book while watching everyone play in the water.

she was content until kendall comes up to her.

harrie looks at her shyly.

"why won't you get in the water?"

harrie just shrugs.

"leave her alone ken." zayn rolls his eyes at her.

"what? im just asking her a question."

"kendall." niall warns.

"it's just water. are you afraid of a little water?"

"she's probably ashamed of what we think of her." kylie and liam laugh.

"leave her alone kendall. i won't say it again." zayn glares at her.

kendall holds her hand in defeat.

"fine, ill let you get back to your book."

kendall goes back in the water before everyone goes back to talking and messing in the water.

things were fine for the next twenty minutes. that is until zayn noticed max and liam had left.

he frowns looking for them until he spots them. he quickly jumps out of the water but by the time he got to them it was too late.

the two picked harrie up and threw her in the water.

"you assholes!" louis yells.

niall goes to help her out of the water. meanwhile the white t-shirt is now see through and everyone can see her body.

kylie, kendall, max, and liam all started to make pig noises at her.

harrie sheds tears before running away.

"fuck!" zayn soon goes after her.

kylie grabs his arm.

"you're not seriously going after her?"

zayn glares at her before pushing her hand off his arm.

"fuck off kylie." zayn runs after harrie while texting her at the same time.

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