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harrie kisses him back with just as much passion.

the two were now full on making out in harries living room.

zayn lifts her up before heading upstairs.

"we can't." harrie states.

"why not?"

"my friends are sleeping all over my room.

zayn smirks.

"you have a guest room yeah?"

harrie nods before zayn goes to the guest room, opens the door, and lies her gently on the bed.


zayn groans.

"what now?"

"i- zayn if this is just a one night stand let's stop right now okay. we don't need to do this. no one has to know and we can forget it happened or else our friendship is ruined."

zayn smiles before caressing her cheek.

"this isn't a one night stand harrie. im in love with you. have been for a while as well but i just could never admit it." zayn whispers.

harrie smiles.


zayn pecks her lips.

"really love."

harrie frowns.

"then let's not do this."


"we just admitted we love each other zayn. i don't want this to start off as sex. especially when it hasn't been that long since you had it with kylie."

zayn groans but understood.

he knew harrie always wanted to do things differently when she finally gets a boyfriend.

she's never even been on a proper date and zayn wanted to give her that and more.

"okay." zayn whispers.

harrie smiles before pecking his lips.

"now leave."


"if we're doing this you have to leave, knock on the door, and properly ask me on a date before going home."

zayn chuckles.

"fine. but i better get a kiss before i go."

harrie blushes before nodding.

"okay. now go!"

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