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it was silent at the dinner table tonight. harrie never really has anything to talk about when she's at her moms house but normally her mother has plenty to say for everyone at the table.

today she was silent though. harrie assumes that she must have had a fight with chris.

but of course her not speaking didn't last long. she soon started going on about what happened at work today.

harrie still kept quiet while chris soon spoke about work and tom talked about private school.

harrie was barely paying any attention though. she couldn't stop thinking about zayn calling her his girlfriend.

i mean sure, the two established that they liked one another but they never talked about what that meant exactly.

are they just friends with benefits? or is it much more deeper than that?

harrie had no clue but she knew she wanted to be Zayn's girlfriend officially. she just wants to date a little more before they put an actual title on things.

but harrie knew one thing. zayn made her the happiest girl in the world and she wouldn't trade him for anyone else.

"harrie, darling?!"

harrie looks up and spots her mom, step dad, and step brother all staring at her.

"are you alright?"

harrie clears her throat before nodding her head.

"im cool."

"you sure darling? is your salad not good? i can get jaxon to make you another."

harrie shakes her head.

"no mom, it's fine."

angelina nods before she continues to eat herself.

"you sure you don't want any meat harrie?" chris asked.

harrie looks at chris before looking over at her mother and shaking her head.

she fakes a smile. "no, im good with my salad." harrie states.

angelina nods her head in approval while she starts talking about work once again.

harrie just couldn't wait to get out of this hellhole.
are you okay?

yeah, why wouldn't i be?

because i know how it is at your mums.

im fine. are you okay? i saw the video of you going off of liam and max.

they fucking deserve it.

what exactly did they do.

rather not talk about it. they're dicks.

was it about me?

babe please.

i can handle it if it was about me zayn. im a big girl.

i know darling. i just rather not talk about it okay?


just, promise me that you won't result in violence okay? not over me.

i honestly can't promise that but i promise i will try. is that okay?

yeah. perfect.

i just- i love you so much harrie. no one should treat you the way people do. you're fucking perfect.

perfect. yeah right.

you are though. why can't you believe that?

idk. maybe because my mums caterers just made steak, mash potatoes, green beans, and corn and i only had the side salad to get my mom off my case.

i know she's your mum but she's honestly a bitch.

i figured she'd pull some shit like that so im at your balcony window with big mac and large fries.

ill only open it if you got my drink.

dr.pepper with a hint of vanilla. of course i did beauty.
harrie opens her balcony door to zayn holding a mcdonald's bag and two drinks.

"im really surprised you climbed up here holding all that." harrie kisses him before letting him in.

"i actually climbed down to get the second drink."

harrie laughs before grabbing the bag of food.

she opens the bag and grabs her burger.

"oh my god. this is better than sex." harrie moans.

"normally that would hurt my ego but i have to agree." zayn smirks.

"i feel like every time im here i lose thirty pounds and i truly hate it. despite me trashing myself i actually love the way i look."

zayn looks her up and down with a smirk.

"i love the way you look too babes."

harrie rolls her eyes before she continues to eat her food.

"so, i was thinking. we should probably talk about earlier today. you know, before i left with the guys."

harrie get silent.

"look, we already told one another we loved each other. but i know you. i know you're not ready for the boyfriend and girlfriend title just yet. so we don't have to label us right now. we can continue to go on spectacular dates and have fun. i just don't want this to ever end." zayn grabs her hand.

harrie smiles widely.

"you mean that?"

"from the bottom of my heart baby."

"okay. but this doesn't mean we see other people. if we're gonna date it'll just be each other."

"of course. wouldn't want anyone stealing you away from me."

"no one could ever steal me from you zayn."

the two look into each other eyes lovingly while they continue to eat and binge watch old 90's sitcoms.

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