Chapter 2 (S3) - Ahead we Go 1-B! To new Journeys and brand new Hights

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Currently with the semester close to it's end the class of 1-B are hyped up like every human when school is about to end and you passed unless you failed then you shouldn't be happy.

Chapter 1 (S3) - Ahead we Go 1-B! To new Journeys and brand new Hights

"Were so close just a couple of more hours until this semester ends."

"These past two months have been a roller coaster with you guys I hope you enjoy your semester."

Mr Kan walked out of the class leaving the students alone.

"I don't know why most of you are excited for this semester end." Tokage spoke. "We still have to do work and kill ourselves it's not much of a holiday than you make it out to be.

"She's right." Kendō agreed with her classmate.

"It's the fact we won't be at school the entire time that counts." Rin points out.

"Don't forget there's also the summer camp." Y/n added. "That's something interesting to look forward for."

"Right." Tokage Remembered. "Aren't you and Monoma not going to the summer camp?"

"I thought so as well, but apparently they changed the rule. Were going, but were both gonna be doing extra classes."

"Don't worry buddy." Tetsutetsu patted Y/n on the back."If they kick you out of some extra activities I'll make sure to either take pictures or tell you about it."

"That's no need." Y/n declined. "I'm amazing, I'm sure I'll pull off some awesome stunt that will in grave my name into the summer camp hall of fame."

"Yes need." Shiozaki spoke. "None of our classmates shall be left behind, Tetsutetsu will take many photos and we will comeback with many stories about the fun we had."

"As dep rep, I make it mandatory that we take pictures of the activities that Kayama and Monoma won't get to see."

"Guys relax. I'll steal the show to the point they will cancel every activity just so they can focus on me."

"Don't worry the photos will help your souls calm down it will be good then they won't go down to the deep end." Said Yanagi.

"What she means Mr Kayama and Monoma is that the photos will make you feel as if you were there yourselves even though you weren't it will help kill your boredom."

"I think we should lay off on the two." Kendō spoke. "If they don't want us to send them images of what's going on then that's okay. Plus we can't mess up mister spotlights idea to be in the 'camp hall of fame'"

"Why are you quoting? The hall of fame is real and I'm gonna be in it."

"Sure it is."

Outside U.A

The entire class is all packed and on their way to their bus. This is taking place a couple of days later

"Since your all done with school it's time for holiday! But no there will be
No holiday we aren't like normal schools were different." Mr Kan gave his class a wicked stare,"THIS SUMMER CAMP TRIP will be for you to train and go beyond your limits and if you don't agree to that THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE!"

The class of 1-B finally arrive at their bus and line up. Monoma is the first to spot 1-A's class.

"I heard some of class A are taking extra courses! Does that mean they actually failed the final exams?!" Monoma began provoking class A
"That must be so embarrassing, especially since you're supposed to be so much better than my class! Oh, you must be wallowing in shame!" Kendō chops Monoma by the neck knocking him out.
"Don't mind him."

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