Chapter 3 (S2) - The Calvary Battle!

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~Hey guys thanks for TWO THOUSAND READS! I really appreciate it I'm also sorry, because this chapter is one of those I wasn't in the mood for chapters it's quiet long I can say but I really didn't have any ideas for this chapter so I just went with the flow and tried my best to make it interesting somethings won't make sense but I tried sorry guys. Thanks again this new Y/n style proves for a good read even for myself~

"The first game of the first years is finally over! And what a game it was! Now, let's take a quick look at the standings, shall we?" A big screen came up, finally revealing where they all stood.

"Last?" A huge smile appeared on Y/n's face "I made it!"

"B-but y-you c-came l-last." Yanagi pointed out.

"So? That's a bonus, heroes will recognize me more, because I'm the last person. People never remember the mid cards, they only remember the opening card and the main event."

"Your an odd one." Added Kaibara.

"Only the top 42 will advance to the next round. But don't be let down if you didn't make the cut. We prepared other opportunities for you to shine! Now the real fun is about to begin! Will your wildest fantasies come to life? What could it be? The waiting is torture. Prepare yourselves!"

Cavalry Battle!


~Chapter 3 (S2) - Cavalry challenge!~ Go!


Cavalry battle. The competitors seem to have mixed feelings

"Allow me to explain. The participants will form teams of two with four people they see fit. In theory it's basically the same as a regular playground game. But there's one difference, each player has been assigned a point value based on the results from the obstacle course."

"So that means each team will have a point value based on what students are on it" Uraraka pointed out

"Maybe you should let me explain things for you!" Midnight interjects "Now then.. The point system goes up by increments of rice starting from the bottom. For example 42nd place is worth 5 points, 41st place is worth 10 and the point vue assigned to the first place is...... Ten Million Points!"

"First years! These are the rules that you'll abide by; the game itself will last 15 minutes, individual points values will be added together to reach your team's total. Everyone will know how much you're worth thanks to your headbands. Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your team's score. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them. And another thing, even if your headband gets stolen or your team falls, down you can keep playing until times up" Explained Midnight " This is going to be tough. You may use your quirks as much you want. But there are still rules Make a team fall on purpose and I'll slap you with a red card, you will be disqualified, Now! You have 15 minutes to build your team!"

"15? I have five points, how the hell am I supposed to scramble in a team with five points on my belt."

Y/n began scouting the area for any available teammates he could find. The given task proved difficult for the boy because, in less than ten minutes, almost half of the participants were already grouped up.

Having the lowest points in the competition proved to be a problem by itself, the amount of rejections Y/n faced was beyond say and they all came from his classmates. At the last moment Y/n felt like giving up, when someone tapped his shoulder. He turned around.

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