Chapter 3 - Entrance Exam - (Part one)

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➽ Entrance Exam ➽

After getting dressed, Y/n went on to join the other group of students that were in the A section. The exams were now only a couple of minutes away from beginning, the stress level rose. And y/n knew for sure, that he wasn't the only one stressed about this, the other participants, were stressed as well some of them were stretching and some were taking deep breaths to keep their cool.

Y/n noticing the stress faced people, he decided to put on a confident smile, making other people believe he was confident and putting attention on him, which was his entire point. The confident smile he tried pulling off was slowly becoming weak when the timer hit it's last couple of seconds.

This was now it, the do or die moment, this was about to either create or break the dreams of many.

"Alright get moving!" The teacher ordered "There are no countdowns in real battles! So get moving!"

Like that everyone immediately began running, participants started pushing and shoving each other just to be first, with this kind of aggressiveness Y/n began having doubts if he would ever be able to take down a robot.

He took a deep breath and moved out from the group of participants so he could find robots to destroy, if he were to stay with the main crowd there would be a 1% chance of him getting a point, nevertheless getting points would still be tough due to the other participants having the same idea of departing from the main group and his lack of practice.

A small sigh of relief came out of Y/n's mouth, when he calculated the chances of a robot appearing in front of him. Then again, if a robot didn't appear in front of him, the chances of failing would increase.

At the worst time and moment Y/n was left with a dillemar, either avoid the robots and fail or fight back and increase his chances of not failing while increasing his chances of death.

Y/n believed he wouldn't have to make  a decision for a long time to come, but he was wrong, looking around in the middle of the city battle arena was a two pointer robot. Y/n quickly hid behind a building before it could see him.

"What do I do? This could be my chance, to finally be noticed, but I might just get myself killed if I attempt to fight back against that thing."

Y/n fell onto his anus contemplating whether he should strike now or just not. His choice seemed as if it was going to take a year to be decided, when a thought hit Y/n. The same thought made him stand up and jump out of hiding, leaving him open for the robot to see.

"I promised Mina,we were going to go to the the same school together! And I'm gonna keep that promise! By passing!"

The robot noticed Y/n and rushed toward him full force, the bot had it's target locked and charged in for a punch. With the robot somewhat near, Y/n activated his quirk, releasing a ray of light from his body, which did absolutely nothing for him, the robot was not blinded at all.

Y/n gulped and rushed forward to punch the robot, but midway he slipped and fell. The slash the robot went for to counter Y/n's punch missed, because the young boy fell. The robot looked down at Y/n and it's eyes started glowing red, ready to fire a strong laser blast at Y/n.

Before the robot could release it's most powerful attack, a boy with a metalized body, tackled the bot into the ground. Y/n watched as the boy punched the robot in it's eye, granting the boy the point.

The metalized male spotted another robot heading into a corner, and immediately ran toward it "Sorry for taking your points" The boy said with his vision still focused on the robot.

"I'm mad he stole my spotlight, yet I'm glad he knocked down that robot. I need another approach, I can't fight, my quirk is infective and well, that's all. Maybe I should..."

Y/n's eyes moved around the plain field trying to find anything that might give him an idea on what to do next. His eyed wondered for almost two minutes, before stopping on a piece of the robot that broke during the metalized males assault.

He crawled over to it and picked it up. Y/n got up and started slashing the air with the robot part. The part was a flat rectangle, which had sharp edges and on the center of the square had the number of the robot.

"It works, but the edges might cut me, while I'm attacking... I got it!"

Y/n pulled out a couple of wires from the robot and used it as something to attach the robot part to his arm, in this case hold the part.

Even though it felt as if the exam started just a minute ago, it was actually pass the half way mark and
Y/n still had zero points.

Getting the robot part and finding a way to fight was trouble itself, now Y/n had to deal with the increased number of students knocking down robots.

The participants were knocking down robots like it was a food eating contest. They didn't care how or what happened, as long as they destroy a robot, everything is fine with them.

Everytime Y/n would see a robot, a student would appear out of nowhere and take the point. The students with better and helpful quirks were the ones having the easiest time taking down the robots.

There were some with unusual quirks, but even they were having an easier time taking down robots than Y/n was with his zero points. At a point Y/n swore he saw a robot float up and fall again, whether it was his head messing with him or not, he would never know.

Y/n shaked his head trying to regain his focus on the task in hand, but it became difficult when the boy he refused to save all that while ago, hovered passed him and striked down a robot, and a second after that striked down another, and after that another. The boy was impressive no doubt about that.

Unbeknownst to Y/n, a shadow creeped over him. It was only when the shadow covered his entire body he noticed, he immediately turned around and there it was a group of three pointers were standing behind him.

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