Chapter 7 - Revetting Start! Welcome To U.A.

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➽ Kayama Resident ➽

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Kayama Resident

Due to some small issues Y/n didn't go to U.A on the day he was supposed to go, instead he went the day after. For most people this would have seemed like a problem, but Y/n didn't mind coming late because, that would draw so much attention to him.

Y/n took a deep breath, he was now ready to go to U.A he had already eaten and drank his juice all that was left was seeing the U.A building again.

"You ready Y/n?"

"Yep!" Y/n answered, "U.A is gonna be a new start for me, a new chance to make a name for myself!"

➽ U.A High school ➽

Y/n gazed up at the U.A sign with unease joy and confidence in his eyes. This was an entirely different feeling from all the ones before. The first one being the time of the entrance exam and the second one being the recommendation period. This feeling felt way more pressurizing and way more exciting at the same time.

The boy looked on forward and started his walk into the facility. It was time, everything he worked for, everything he had to go through was all for this one and single moment. Y/n was now about to be classified as a U.A student for the first time ever.

➽ U.A High school ➽
Inisde the U.A Facility

The feeling of entering U.A wasn't as memorizing as it was thought out to be. Sure the school was big and that gave an aw moment, but it wasn't a lasting memory since this was going to be an occurring thing. Honestly, Y/n just wanted to meet his classmates, technically he wanted them to meet him.

If this was Y/n's first time in the school, the many hallways would have made it difficult for him to map down his classroom, but since the recommendation period gave him and many others time to check around the school he kinda knew his way around the place.

"Aunt Nemuri said, not the classes that don't start with a one, that's easy enough." Y/n thought to himself as he looked around the place, "At some point were gonna start with quirk demonstration, currently my light is sucky, I'm unable to light up my body like before, maybe it has to do with the... What should I call it... boom.. I'll call it that... Maybe the boom made that part of my quirk weak, but that's alright as long as I get a secret weapon out of my quirk not working I'm fine with it."

Y/n paused between two classes, one wrote 1-B and the other wrote 1-A. He scratched in his pocket and pulled out a note. The note read: Class 1-B.

"1-B. Alright."

Y/n took a deep breath and stared at the unusually long door, ready to make a grand entrance. He pushed the door open and threw his arms into the air after doing so.

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