Chapter 9 - Representative

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The next day

The anxiety Y/n felt at the time, the thoughts that ran through his head, both were a lot. It's been a day since his entire incident, and he was still stressing about how his classmates would act towards him. Will they have more distain that he didn't give up, and like they wanted failed, or will the children that have his back turn on him and reveal that they wanted him to fail all along.

The reaction of his class felt way more pressurizing than the entrance exam and the recommendation period, it was weird, but it correlated with his character. The soon to be hero, stood before the door of his classroom and only now noticed how long the door was, the stress must have somehow opened his eyes to his surroundings.

He took in a deep breath and pushed the door open and as expected the whole class was there, besides the homeroom teacher.

"Y/n!" Honenuki shouted aloud as he ran down the classroom to his now proclaimed friend. "Look, I want to say this as calmly as I can, so I'm gonna tak-"

"THAT WAS SO MANLY OF YOU!" Tetsutetsu jumped out from nowhere, "You were like, heroes never give up, I almost had goosebumps when I heard you say that, I have to admit.."

"...That was cool!" Tsuburaba popped into the conversation. "Your kinda making me wish, I did something like that during my attempt."

"If you did do that, the only difference would be that, Y/n didn't mean to fail and you did it on purpose." Awase spoke.

Tokage approached the group of boys, "Did you really not plan that? Because that seemed as if you planned it, there's no way you didn't plan that."

"Technically, I did." Before the students could react, Y/n quickly spoke on to explain himself, "Me doing badly in all the tests, but one which was the last one, that was planned. But I didn't expect the last one to prove so difficult, because of that I realized I made a mistake which I tried to fix."

"The spotlight type of person huh?" Tokage nonchalantly asked.

"Y/n Kayama nice to meet you."

A moment later

Everyone zipped their bags after putting packing back their books. Mr kan placed notes he had aside, indicating that the class just finished up a lesson or three. The class was having a little chit chat with one another, Mr kan coughed loud enough that everyone stopped and turned to him.

"Now that I have your attentions." He spoke, "Today is a spontaneous day, because today, we are choosing a class representative, today we are choosing the new face of 1-B, today we are choosing our leader!"

The entire class was silent.

"Where is your energy! Where is your joy! This is a spontaneous time, we should rejoice, we should be celebrating!...CELEBRATING!"

The entire class erupted into sarcastic cheers. Mr kan noticing the sarcasm sighed and walked to the door.

"Just make this quick okay."

The entire class was silent when they watched their teacher leave and they were still silent when he left. A second or two later, Y/n quickly got up from his seat and said the words that coursed everyone to shuffle and turn to him.

"I nominate myself as class representative!"

"I! Nominate myself as class representative!" Itsuka made everyone notice. "...Why are you even running, there's literally no point in attempting most of the kids already dislike you and for good reason of course."

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