Chapter 8 (S2) - Light Quirk Rising!

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~ITS FINALLY HERE! This one was a delay not because I was lazy to write it I had already wrote it long before now literally right now in the drafts I'm done with the internships that's how far I am anyway the reason was because my friend the creator of Y/n's character was to lazy to make the art right away so she waited till the next day. In any other case again ITS here a banger of a Chapter and the title says it all now as usual, I hope you enjoy Your Hero Academia!~

"You have taken this entire thing and made it such a big situation you crossed many territories you weren't supposed to cross if you want me to go all out I'll go all out because, you made this personal Kayama!" Todoroki shouted out.

"Well if making it personal is the only god damn way to let you go all out! Then I'm okay with it because it will help me knock some sense in your hot headed mind Shotk!"

"Don't say my name ever again!"

Todoroki leaped up five cm and landed with a bang causing the ground to begin shaking intensely. From behind him a huge wall made of ice appeared, the crowd went wide eyed as the teachers paid close attention to the action.

"Should we do something?" Midnight asked.
"No, the situation isn't that diere  nobody will die if this carries on." Cementoss replied.

The wall of ice behind Todoroki finally stopped forming and appeared 2 cm shorter than the stadium and the exact same length as the arena. Y/n looked on at the wave of ice with angry brows, but a smile.

"So this- something isn't right? If it's a wall his plan must be to push me out, he thinks I'm gonna run back!"

"You know what your exactly like my, my, my." Rage engulfed Todoroki's eyes. MY GOOD FOR NOTHING WORTHLESS FATHER!"

Todoroki touched the ground pushing the mountain of ice forward towards his opponent at incredible speed. Todoroki followed behind the attack ready to somehow deliver a punch. After the word worthless father the smile on Y/n's face disappeared and was replaced with an angry frown filled with heart warming rage.

"You can call me worthless that's okay." He began to walk towards the ice mountain. "If you call my friends worthless that's crossing the line but.." From a walk he began to run.
"NOBODY I MEAN NOBODY!!!" He cocked his now glowing fist to the back."CALLS MY HERO WORTHLESS!"

At that moment Todoroki was stopped and shook after he heard the word 'my hero'. Like a bullet, Y/n was already infront of the ice, now with the perfect opening available for him "Witness! the BOOM!" He shouted out as his fist penetrated through the ice, the explosion was a bit delayed, but it did arrive and it was strong. The impact shot the two fighters back to their originated spots.

Todoroki stopped himself using his ice and Y/n who was stopped from elimination thanks to Todoroki's ice attack from before.

Todoroki stood up and looked at his right arm which was almost completely covered with ice.

Y/n slowly picked himself up and immediately felt the recoil damage from his attack.

"H-how are you still up? From that attack..." Todoroki watched as Y/n breathed heavily. "Why, why won't you give up already!"

"Because, unlike you Todoroki." From what seemed like a setup for an insult it wasn't, "I already know how giving up feels like."

"If you know about it so much why don't you act on that feeling."

"Because." Y/n looked Todoroki dead in the eye. "I want to see what happens if I don't, that's why I'm giving this entire match everything I got, I'm hoping the result of this new leap will take me a step closer to being noticed by the mass and Endeavor.."

"You look up to him that's it huh? Fine if you want me to really go all out!" Fire emerges from Todoroki's left arm which melts the ice on his right and then disappeared again. "I'll go all out for real this time!"

"There's something I used to say as a kid... It went like... No matter how hot his fire is... I'll burn just like it... I will be the successor of Endeavor."

Todoroki stepped on the ground as a giant wave of many ice pillars shot out  towards Y/n who from running stepped hard on the ground and launched himself up.

"I got you now!" With everything he had Todoroki slammed his palm onto the arena floor as humongous wave and pillars of ice shot out and charged toward the now airborne Y/n. Shoto's left arm quickly began to freeze up.

"THIS IS THE FULL POWER OF A TODOROKI!" Y/n moved his right arm back with sheer power and clinched it as tight as he could whilst it glowed with a bright yellow flash that signified the brightness of his future.

The crowd were on their feet as they watched the two moves about to collide with one another in an epic clash. "I'm stopping this!" Midnight got ready to use her quirk.
"No." Cementoss stopped her. "Look."

Yes what an epic clash it could have been... But... the two boys were just human after all even though having these unique and uncanny abilities they were still made out of flesh and bones. Todoroki felt a small sting in his back and stopped his attack after noticing his entire right side was covered with ice. Y/n on the other hand was closing in for the attack, until something hit him, and in mid air blacked out.

A lesson was learned in this fight, when ideals clash with emotions, the result is chaos. Through out the entire match it seemed as if Y/n was doing this because, he wanted everyone to go all out, and have a fair match, but in reality as many of you caught on, it was for the spotlight in other words his own selfish needs, Y/n might be the main focus of the story, but that doesn't mean everything he does is for the greater good, patronizing Todoroki to the point the boy almost lost his mind, that was sinful and for that he granted himself a visit from comma.

Thank you for reading!

The Underrated Light Powered Quirk! (My Hero Academia X Male Reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن