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Monday afternoon

Jamari have been asking about Harley all weekend and I've been calling her but she hasn't been answering. I pulled up to the daycare that Jamari go to I got out and walked inside.

"Hello Tyreke."

"Hello Mrs. Cora."

"How are you?"

"I'm good and yourself."

"I'm good as well.

I nodded and then made my way down to where Jamari was I opened the door Carmen smiled and tapped Jamari shoulder he looked up and smiled.

"Daddy," Jamari dropped the toys and ran over to me.

I bent down and picked him up. When Carmen told me that she was working at the daycare I decided to enroll Jamari because I know that she'll make sure that nothing happens to him.

"You got off early bro?"

"Yeah I did."

"Mari go put up the toys."

"Yes sir."

Jamari ran back over to the toys and I got the clipboard and signed him out.

"You got off early bro?"

"Yeah I did."

"Have you heard from my sis?"

"Not since Saturday so I'm going by her place to check on her and I'm taking Mari with me since he's been asking about her."


Jamari walked back over to us and I picked him up we said our goodbyes to Carmen then we walked out of the room.

About 45 minutes later we pulled up to Harley house I looked in the rear view mirror seeing that Jamari was knocked out I chuckled and shut my car off. I got out and placed my phone in my pocket then I opened the back door and got Jamari out. I closed both doors and locked my doors I walked up to Harley door and rung the doorbell.

A few minutes later Harley opened the door she smiled then stepped aside and let us in.

"You can lay Mari in the guest room."

"You sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure."

I nodded and walked down the hall and to the guest room I laid Mari down and walked out cracking the door behind me. I walked into the living room Harley turned and looked at me.

"You want something to drink."

"Water is fine."

Harley nodded and walked into the kitchen I waited a few seconds then I followed behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Why have you been ignoring me?"

Harley slowly turned in my arms making eye contact with me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to I just needed time to process everything that happened Saturday."

"Don't let it happen again."

"I won't."

We walked into the living room and sat down.

"So how did it go?"

Harley told me everything that happened.


"She's an evil woman so she's getting exactly what she deserve."


"Why you're not at work?"

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