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***One more flashback chapter****

Atlanta Medical Center

I paced back and forth as we all waited on the doctor to come out and tell us what's wrong with Harley. I looked at our family seeing everyone sat quietly Ms. Hanna was crying silently on Mr. Gabriel chest.

"Sit down son."

"I can't pops not until I know what's going on with my wife."

"Pacing back and forth isn't going to help son."

I sighed and sat next to my pops and started bouncing my leg up and down as we all continued to wait.

A few minutes later a doctor walked out.

"Family of Harley James."

"That's Harley Smith we just got married."

"My apologies congratulations."

"Thank you."

"I'm doctor Norris."

"Nice to meet you what's going on with my wife."

"Dehydration and can I talk to you in private Mr. Smith."

"Whatever you gotta say to me in private you can say in front of everyone."

"Are you sure?"


"Congratulations again Mrs. Smith is exactly 4 weeks pregnant make sure she gets the proper rest, nutrition and fluid intake and she need to keep her stress levels down she's in the first trimester and we don't want anything to happen to the baby."

"Yes ma'am I'm going to make sure of that."

"Alright she's in room 202 follow me and Tyreke you can tell Harley the good news."

We followed behind Dr. Norris we made it in front of Harley's room on the maternity floor.

"She's resting right now but you all can go in whenever you like."

"Ty you go in first and tell the news to Harls we'll be out here waiting."

"Okay mama."

I took a breath and walked inside of Harley's room I walked in seeing her sleeping away and her gown hung up. I walked over to her and kissed her forehead I scooted the chair close to her and she stirred around before opening her eyes.

"Hey baby."

"Hey beautiful."

"I'm so sorry for scaring you and everyone else."

"You're fine but I gotta know did you drink or eat anything today before the reception?"

"No I was too nervous to eat."

"Okay don't let it happen again I need the both of you here with me."

"The both of us?"

"Yeah," I placed my hand over Harley's stomach.

"You're 4 weeks pregnant."

"Wait huh?"

I nodded with a smile.

"Dr. Norris told us."

"So my mama is right," she asked.

"Yeah she is."

"Where is everyone?"

"Outside waiting."

Harley nodded.

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