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I woke up to the smell of breakfast in the air I looked over not seeing Treasure in her bassinet. I stood up and made way into the bathroom after handling my hygiene I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen seeing Tyreke cooking while holding Treasure.

"You need me to get her babe," I spoke up.


I walked over and got Treasure I walked over to the counter and sat down.

"Gia and Mari in school?"



I pulled out my boob and started feeding Treasure.

"Thanks for letting me sleep in."

"No problem baby Ima always let you sleep in when I feel like you need some extra rest."

"Once I get Treasure fed I'm going to start on the laundry."

"No need to I already got it started."

"Oh okay."

Treasure stopped sucking my boob I unlatched her and sat her up I grabbed her burping cloth and placed it under her chin and burped her. The doorbell rung Tyreke walked out of the kitchen and over to the front door. Treasure burped and started closing her eyes I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Hey sis," I spoke as Carmen walked into the kitchen.


"What's wrong?"

"I'll go lay baby girl down."

Tyreke got Treasure out of my arms and walked out.

"Are you going to answer my question?"

Carmen went in her purse and pulled out pregnancy tests wrapped in napkins.

"I'm pregnant they all positive."

"What did your boyfriend have to say?"

"Ex boyfriend but he wants me to get an abortion because he don't want anything to do with me anymore he even gave me the money to get one."

"Are you going to get one it's your body and your choice if you're not ready to have a baby-," Carmen cut me off.

"I went to the clinic to get it done and it was about to happen but I got off the table and told the doctor I was sorry and I had to go. I can't take away a life that didn't ask to be here I know some women get abortions because that's what they want and I thought that's what I wanted too until I got on that table."

"Just know that anything you need or the baby we got you."

"Thanks Harls."

"You're welcome."

"I do need something though."

"A place to stay just until I can figure things out and get back on my feet again."

"Absolutely plus you can see what it'll be like when your baby gets here."

"Okay cool."

Tyreke walked back in and looked at Carmen.

"How much did you hear?"

"All of it."

Carmen dropped her head down.

"I'm sorry that I disappointed you."

"Cam you didn't disappoint me at all you're my little sister and I love you I'm always here to help."

"I know that's why I came to y'all first instead of mom and dad because I know that they're going to be disappointed in me because I'm about to drop out of college."

Carmen sniffed and she wiped her eyes she don't have to drop out of college and we're going to make sure that she don't.

One thing I'm not going to do is let Carmen drop out of school.

"That's one thing you're not going to do tomorrow we're going to Virginia and getting you transferred here to either CAU or Spelman your choice and we're getting all of your things and bringing it with us."


"I packed as much as I could in my two duffel bags."

"I know we'll get the rest tomorrow go ahead and go to your room."


Carmen walked out of the room with her bags I let out a sigh.

"Are you okay baby?"

"No because I know that she's going to be heartbroken for a while Carmen is like me when we fall in love we fall in love hard after me and my ex broke up I was single for a while then I met you and made you mine we broke up for a while I made you mine again and this time I put a ring on that finger."

"And gave me 3 beautiful babies I know Mari isn't mine biologically but he's mine."

"Right and that boy love him some you I remember when we broke up you're all that he asked about."


"Yeah he was mad with me for a couple hours once I told him that we broke up but that didn't last long once he smelled food."

We both laughed.

"You gon give me a boy?"

"When Treasure is walking and potty trained yes."

"How about when she's 6 months?"

Harley looked at me and I laughed.

"I'm kidding baby I got you Treasure will be walking and potty trained before I put another baby in you we're almost complete I just need one more boy so we can be even."

Harley nodded Carmen walked back into the kitchen.

"Are you okay?"

"No I threw up everything I ate."

Harley stood up and walked over to the pantry I helped her sit down. I then went into the refrigerator and got a bottle of ginger ale out and passed it to her.

"Try eating saltine crackers and drink some ginger ale I'm going to call my Doula and get you an appointment with her," Harley spoke.


Harley walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs,

"Was Harls like this?"

"Yeah she couldn't even keep water down with Gia she had to get an iv just to have fluids in her body."

"Oh wow hopefully I can keep water down."

"There's a 50/50 chance that you won't but we'll help you out."


Harley walked back in the kitchen on her phone I reached over and grabbed Harley's purse and got her motion sickness band out. She looked in my direction nodded.

"Put this on."

"What is it," Carmen asked as she took the band.

"It's a motion sickness band it's going to help you with your morning sickness Harley had to use it a few times when she was pregnant with Treasure and she wore it all the time when she was pregnant with Gia it helps out a lot."

Carmen nodded and placed the band on Harley hung up the phone and told Carmen when her appointment and what time. I can't believe that I'm about to be an uncle I'm excited for Carmen hopefully she's having a boy. The next step is breaking the news to my parents once she gets settled in here and enrolled into either CAU or Spelman.

1 more chapter left.

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