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Rahanna in m/m

I was about to head out to get the kids from school when Jackson walked back in.

"Hey is Rahanna still here?"

"Yeah hold on lemme go get her."

He nodded I walked to the back.

"Rah Jackson wants you."

She nodded she washed and dried her hands then followed me back to the front.

"Hey Jackson."

"Hey I got something for you."


Jackson pulled out an envelope and handed it to her.

"What's this?"

"Open it and see."

She opened the envelope then closed it back she handed it back to Jackson.

"I can't accept this."

"You can and you will I told you that I'm an investor and you told me your goal to opening up your own event planning business so I'm investing in you."

"But I thought you was joking."

"I wasn't I was serious you don't have to pay me back or anything I just want to see you be successful."

"Thank you Jackson."

"No problem but I do have one thing to ask you."

"Sure what is it?"

"Will you go out with me?"

Before Rahanna could respond Jackson started back talking.

"You know what never mind it was stupid of me to even ask cause you're probably thinking that I gave you the money just so you could go out with me which isn't true," I cut Jackson off.

"Breathe Jackson and let my sis respond to you."

Rahanna looked at me and I nodded.

"I would love to go out with you Jackson."

He smiled then arranged their dinner date and he walked out. Rahanna looked at me and smiled.

"You was right Ty."

"I know."

"Can you find me a building?"

"Absolutely what's your budget?"

"I don't want to go over 60k."

"Okay lemme go pick up your niece and nephew from school and I'll get right on it."

"Can I go get them once I go by the bank and get this money deposited?"


Rahanna smiled and walked out I sat down grabbing my iPad before I even started looking at buildings for Rahanna I ordered Harley her favorite because I know she's going to be coming out soon fussing about being hungry and I didn't order her anything.

About 30 minutes later I heard Harley going off.

"You could've at least ordered me some food while you sitting on your fucking ipad," she ranted.

I pointed towards the table and she stopped her rant.

"But is the order right," she asked as she looked in her back.

She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I'm sorry baby."

"You good beautiful I know it's the hormones."

"It is."

Harley sat next to me and started eating her food.

"Where's Rah?"

"She went to the bank and picked the kids up from school I know they're probably eating."

Harley nodded the bakery door opened then we heard little feet and Gianni appeared before us.

"Hi mommy, hi daddy."

"Hi Gia."

"Hey baby."

"I missed you."

"We missed you too."

Gianni smiled and walked over to the Harley and climbed in her lap and got one of her fries. Rahanna and Jamari walked over and he didn't look happy.

Whatever is wrong with my baby I'm going to kick somebody ass.

"What's wrong Mari?"

Jamari didn't say anything and I looked to Rahanna.

"Mrs. Fletcher said that Kenova came to the school today trying to talk to Jamari and get him to leave with her."



"I told her that she's not my mommy and that she's a stranger and I need to stay away from strangers like you and mommy told me and she tried to pull me away from the playground and I screamed for help and Mrs. Fletcher came running over after helping Antonio tie his shoes."

I looked at Tyreke.

"I'm calling the police."

"Did you see her in the parking lot Rah?"

"No I don't know what she looks like but a car was following me until I lost them."


"The cops said they'll be here within 10 minutes."

I nodded Gia yawned and laid back on me.

"Rah can you get Gia for me."


Rahanna got Gianni and I rubbed my stomach as I got an uneasy feeling.

"Something doesn't feel right."

"What's wrong baby?"

"Call your parents and tell them to get out of the house now."

"What's wrong-," I cut Tyreke off.

"Do it right now Rah go put the kids in my car leave your car here."


Tyreke called his parents and Rahanna walked outside with the kids.

"Babe what's wrong?"

"I don't know but I have this weird feeling that I can't shake Rah won't be driving her car either."

"Why what's wrong with her car?"

"I'm not sure but if she gets behind that wheel again she's not going to be able to stop."

"I'll have it put in the shop for her."

I nodded.

"We also need to hire security I'm pregnant and I don't need anything happening to either one of us until she's caught and in jail we won't be leaving without security."

"Okay I have an old friend that I can call."

I nodded I stood up and walked over to the trash can and threw my trash away I grabbed my purse and keys and walked outside with Tyreke following behind me.

The police pulled up and we made a report as one of the officers was doing the report the other radio went off about a fire at my in laws house. I looked at Tyreke and he walked off to call and check in on his parents.

This bitch is crazy she's coming after my family and I don't like that and I wished that I could put my hands on her but I'm pregnant and my baby's safety and health come first. Rahanna is going to be driving my car until hers get fixed and she will also have security following her matter of fact everyone is going to be having security following them because I don't want to lose no one to this crazy bitch.

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