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There was a knock at the door I walked over to the door and opened it I got the cart from the bellhop and thanked him I then tipped him and closed the door. I pushed the tray into the room and Tyreke finally came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and the water dripping down his body.

"You know what you're doing."


"You're trying to tempt me but it's not work."

"I'm not trying to tempt you but okay."

"You are."

"Okay whatever you say but Harls answer me this."


"When was the last time you had sex?"
I remained quiet.

"If I can guess it would've been with me right?"


Tyreke nodded.

I uncovered the food and grabbed my plate I sat on the love seat and started eating. Tyreke stared at me.


"You not gon shower."

"I will when I'm done eating."


Tyreke uncovered his food and started eating.

"So you're going to eat in your towel."


I shook my head and continued eating.

Once I was done eating I put my plate back on the cart and covered it up and I made my way to the bathroom. I walked in and turned the shower on.

"I forgot my clothes," Tyreke said as he stood at the door.

"Get your clothes."

"You don't have to wait to come out of your clothes I seen you naked already."

"That's different this is now."


Tyreke walked out of the bathroom closing the door behind him. I stripped out of my clothes grabbed the wash cloth and stepped into the shower.

A few minutes later I felt arms wrap around me I opened my eyes.

"What are you doing in here?"

"I just want to hold you Harley that's all can I do that."

Tyreke kisses my back.


"Do you want me to?"

"No wait yes," I sighed.

Dammit I thought.

Tyreke turned me towards him.

"Your mind is telling you no but your body is saying otherwise."

I remained quiet.

"I love you Harley I still love you and I know I fucked up but I want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you I'm all the way in with you baby you got my heart again."

Tyreke kissed me again.

"I love you so much Harley and I'm so sorry will you be my girlfriend again it's okay if you don't respond."

Tyreke was about to get out but I stopped him.

"You know how I feel about you but it's going to take a lot for me to be able to say those words again."

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