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We have been busy all morning and I'm glad that I hired staff to work for me because I would literally be swamped by myself and orders would be backed up and everyone would be unhappy with me and wouldn't want to come back.

"Ms. James," Kimora spoke as she walked in.

"Kimora I told you and everyone else to call me Harley."

"Sorry Harley there's a gentleman here to see you."

"Did they give a name?"

Kimora shook her head I nodded and placed the cookie cutter down I washed and dried my hands I walked out of the kitchen.

"Hi how can I help you," I spoke catching the guy's attention.

"I know this may be weird to you but I'm Zavion your little brother."

I laughed.

"I don't have any brothers."

My dad and Michelle have a daughter who I met last night because she been traveling the world and she came back to the states for good.

"You do actually and I'm him."

"How can I be so sure you can be looking for a come up?"

"Do you have an office we can talk in?"

"Yeah follow me."

We walked down the hall and over to my office I opened the door and we walked in I told Zavion to have a seat I closed the door and walked over to my desk and sat down.

"I've been living with grandma."

"How old are you?"

"Just turned 24 two weeks ago."

"Wait a minute I'm 25."

Zavion nodded.

"I know."

"I remember Hanna being pregnant and I was excited to be a big sister but one day she came home and told me that she had a miscarriage."

"That bitch didn't have a miscarriage she went into premature labor I was born a month early."

I shook my head.

"As soon as I was born grandma had got full custody of me."


"I have all the receipts you need."

Zavion passed over a folder and I opened it looking at all of the papers and pictures he had.

"So I have another brother and-," I stopped when I seen the girl.

"Sister yeah."

"What's their names?"

"Zylen and Rahanna."

"And how old are they?"

"21 and 19 Hanna will be 20 in 3 months."


"I know it's a lot to take in but yeah we're here."

"So that explain why I've been having to go stay with her husband family."

"Yep she was trying to hide her pregnancies from you to have you thinking that you were the only child."

"That she discarded at the age of 16."

The little girl who was supposed to have been my sister I found out a couple months ago that she wasn't my mama daughter and that they had abducted from the hospital.

"What do you mean?"

"When she met her husband and they dated for a while eventually she was asked to move in without me."

"Wait so you're telling me that she left you to move in with her husband?"

"Yep told me that I was old enough to take care of myself knowing that I was in school and didn't have no other family besides her because she cut herself off from her family and cut me off from them too so I had went to go stay with my ex best friend India and after a few days I started stripping with her to take care of myself."

"Had nana would've known about her leaving you she would've gotten you Hanna told her that you was with her."

"That was a lie."


"I found out about you last night during your grand opening a lot of the blogs picked up the live a woman named Camille did."

"That's my best friend."

Zavion nodded.

"I had showed nana you and she damn near had a heart attack and was in tears because it's been so long since she seen you."

"I know the last time I saw nana I was a kid."

"Right she told me listen I want you to reunite with nana and meet our other siblings."


"Nana always cook on Sundays so you should come down to Savannah."

"I'll be there."

"Dinner will be ready by 6 she'll love to see you."

"And I'll love to see her too."

Hanna really deserve to rot in prison.

"Is grandpa still alive?"

"He is."

"Harley," I looked up seeing my grandpa.

"Your employee Kimora told me that you was back here with Zavion and that it was okay for me to come back."

"Pawpaw Willie."

"It's me Munk."

I stood up and walked over to my grandpa and hugged him holding back tears.

"It's been so long."

"Yes sir it has."

We pulled apart and I told my grandpa to have a seat.

"And you're doing so well for yourself."

"I am."

"And you're a baker just like Rose."

"Yes sir."

"I already invited her to Sunday dinner pawpaw."

"Good that's good."

"This is really crazy."

"Yeah it is and Hanna deserve to rot in jail."

"I guess she never told you that nana and pawpaw tried on several occasions to help her get clean but she would always either spend the money or check herself out of rehab."

"No she didn't."

We continued to catch up with each other then they left and I went back to work. As I was putting the cupcake mix in the pan my phone dinged I pulled my phone out seeing that Jeremiah had text me I smiled and quickly responded back to his text. I washed and dried my hands then I got started on doing the cupcakes again.

It's been a minute since I've been out on a date but I'm excited. I placed the pan of cupcakes in the oven and wiped down the counter. I walked out of the kitchen going to the front I greeted some customers that were lined up before I started giving Tisha a hand with preparing all of the desserts for everyone. The door chimed I looked up making eye contact with Tyreke I broke away and continued on with what I was doing.

I don't know why he's here but I'm definitely not taking his order or packaging his order. As the line got shorter I made my way back to the kitchen to bake something new to put out for everyone to try before I add it to the menu.

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