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Today is the first step of my healing I made the decision to get a therapist to talk about everything that's been going on instead of just holding it in to myself and also to make sure that I don't go into a depression.

"So Harley tell me about yourself?"

"I'm 24 years old I own my own bakery called Sweet Indulgence I fought and won against bone cancer, I was shot by an ex best friend, I'm reconnected with my dad after all these years of not seeing him, my mother is in prison, I'm an ex stripper, and I recently just got of a relationship."

"First congratulations on beating bone cancer and owning your own business those are two major accomplishments."

"Thank you."

"Now let's start with your childhood and why you are just now getting reconnected with your father and explain why your mother is in jail."

"Okay um my parents was together before they had me but soon my mom started drinking and doing drugs once she got pregnant with me my dad had gotten her to stop for awhile then she started back doing it and I was born prematurely once my mom gave birth to me my dad had her sent to rehab and he was there by my side until I got released from the NICU my mom then slept her way through rehab to get out once she was out she then had my dad arrested with false information my dad was only doing what was best for me which would've been him taking me to Haiti for a year to be raised there with my grandma and him."

Dr. Shaw nodded and wrote what I said down.

"Hanna is in prison for one abducting someone else's child from the hospital and having the girl as her own and made me believe that she was my sister and two her and her husband also killed that same little girl."

"How was your upbringing with Hanna?"

"At first it was great you know then when I turned 16 things took a turn for the worst she met her now husband and abandoned me I had to go and move in with my ex best friend who was a stripper she was trying to convince me to be one with her and I was against it for a while until I gave in because I needed to make money fast to be able to provide for myself so I started stripping with her and I recently retired a few months ago and opened up my own business."

"All while battling bone cancer?"

"Um yes stage 3 of osteosarcoma to be exact when I went apartment looking I reconnected with my dad's sister my aunt and she helped me she also put me in contact with my dad I had questions for him and he answered every last one of them and he's also married so since I was diagnosed with cancer my dad and mama Michelle have been by my side every since as well as my aunt."

"Okay so why are you and your best friends aren't best friends?"

"India shot me listening to her pimp because I turned him down several times about becoming a prostitute I met up with her thinking it was all good between us when it wasn't so the moment she shot me that ended our friendship my other best friend Camille was there and literally saved me by keeping me awake for some time before I eventually passed out."

"And what about your recently breakup?"

"Can I have a moment?"

"Yes take all of your time."

I nodded and sniffed wiping my eyes.

"I can see that this relationship meant a lot to you."

"It did."

"What's his name?"

"Tyreke Smith."

"And how long have you two been together?"

"6 months we celebrated our 6th month anniversary until he started doing his own thing with his college friends and he started drinking with them and he cheated on me the female who he was cheating on me with sent me a DM of their messages as well as a video of them and he told her my personal business he also called me out of my name which is a automatic no for me and disrespectful."

"What did he say to you?"

"I um I don't want to talk about that right now."

"Okay that's fine," Dr. Shaw checked the time.

"And that concludes our first session this was a great start to your healing process."

I smiled lightly.

"I'll see you in 2 weeks."


"Get your next appointment card from Shonda and I'll see you then."

"I pay at the desk?"

"Yes ma'am."

I nodded and shook Dr. Shaw hand I walked out of her office and walked to the front desk I paid and then got my next appointment card. I made my way over to the elevator and pressed the down button.

I looked at Camille and Noah with shock written all over my face soon that wore off and I smiled.

"Congratulations to the both of you."

"Thank you Harls."

"Are you okay best?"

I waved Camille off.

"Be honest with me Harls."

"Yes I'm okay I'm going to be a maid of honor and a godmama one day I'll be telling the both of you the good news but for now I'm going to focus on myself and healing."

"How far along are you?"

"We don't know I took the test right before the proposal."

"Which threw me all the way off guard I was expecting to get her pregnant after the wedding but God has other plans."


"So I'm the only one that knows?"

"Yes and it keep it that way until we find out how far along we are."

"Trust me I will."

I hugged and congratulated them once before before I left heading to my parents house to see them since it's been a minute since I last seen them also I have more questions about my dad and his relationship with Hanna.

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