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1 month later—August 15, 2020

I woke up to my name being called I blinked a few times letting my eyes adjust to my surroundings.

"It's time to go love," Michelle spoke.

I nodded and she helped me up from the chemo chair my dad came over and wrapped his arm around me and I leaned up against him. It's been a month since I started my sessions and at first everything was a breeze then I started to feel the effects that chemo have on the human body. I've lost a lot of weight, lost my hair and I need help with getting around because my strength isn't there.

I haven't talked to Tyreke in a while I've been avoiding him since I lost my hair and a lot of weight afraid that he's going to look at me different.

"You want to try and eat something baby girl," my dad asked as he drove.

"Yes sir."


I leaned my head up against the window as he drove I haven't heard from India in a while she's been reading my messages but not responding. Camille is my other best friend and she's in the process of moving to Atlanta and she also said that she's going to help me through this process.

"Ladybug what you want?"

I seen that we was at Chic-Fil-A.

"A 8 piece nugget with a fry, lemonade and Polynesian sauce."


My phone buzzed I looked down seeing Tyreke texting me.

Ty🥰: I'm pulling up on you today you've been ignoring me long enough.

: I'm not home.

Ty🥰: I know your pops told me you had a session today and he said y'all will be home in 40 minutes so you'll be seeing me soon.

: Okay.

I looked up from my phone.

"Daddy you told Tyreke I had a chemo session?"

"I did he's been asking about you for these last few days and I told him to come over when we get home because you're done ignoring him."

"I don't want him to see me like this."

"Ladybug Tyreke really likes you I'm sure him seeing you like this isn't going to change him from liking you."

I didn't say anything because my daddy was right. I'm low key excited and nervous to see Tyreke excited because it's been two weeks since we last seen each other and nervous because I don't know how he's going to react to seeing me like this.

Forty minutes later we arrived at the house Michelle carried the food in and my dad helped me out and we walked inside.

"Your food is already in your room waiting on you."

"Thank you Michelle."

"You're welcome sweetheart."

My dad walked me up the mini stairs I had and into my room and sat me on the bed and I adjusted myself to where my back is touching my headboard.

"Do you need anything?"

"No if I do I'll text you or Michelle."


My daddy kissed me on the forehead and walked out closing my door behind him. I grabbed my bag and turned on my tv going to DisneyPlus to watch the old episodes of the Proud Family.

Harley thought I was playing with her but I'm not we haven't seen each other in two weeks due to me working and being busy but she's been ignoring me these last few days and I have had enough. My parents had Jamari while I came over to Harley house. Once I arrived Mr. Gabriel let me in telling me that she was in her room and told me where to go. I knocked on her door and she yelled for me to come in I walked in and she looked at me with her mouth open.

"Thought I was playing."


I closed the door and walked over to her bed and sat next to her Harley paused her tv and stopped eating. Sitting my food and drink on her nightstand.

"I wasn't you've been ignoring me these last 5 days and I'm done being ignored."

"I didn't want you to see me like this."

"It's nothing I haven't seen before Harls."

She didn't say anything so I grabbed her by her hand and helped her up and walked her over to her mirror. I watched as she dropped her head.

"Look at me."

Harley looked up in the mirror at me.

"Repeat after me."

"I'm beautiful."

"I'm beautiful," she spoke.

"This cancer have my body but not my soul."

"This cancer have my body but not my soul," she spoke.

"I'm going to beat cancer."

"I'm going to kick cancer's ass."

I chuckled.

"Ty still like me."

"Ty still like me," she spoke while looking at me.

I turned Harley towards me.

"And that's not going to change I really like you Harls I want to continue to see where this goes don't push me away."

"Even though I lost all of my hair and a lot of weight?"


Harley reached for her scarf and I stopped her.

"You don't have to take it off yet do it when you're ready."

"Okay." At

"Come on let's go watch tv."

We walked back over to her bed.

"How long are you here," she asked.

"As long as you need me to be."


I grabbed my Zaxby's and opened it I started eating and Harley went back to eating her food. She pressed play on her remote and we both tuned into the Proud Family.

3 hours later
I woke up to Harley laying on my chest I wiped my eyes trying to figure out when did I fall asleep. I carefully removed myself from Harley she furrowed her eyebrows before letting her body adjust to her bed. I grabbed our trash and walked out.

"The kitchen is to your left," Mrs. Michelle spoke.

I nodded and walked into the kitchen throwing the trash away I then walked out going into the living room.

"Before you go Tyreke I want to talk you."


We walked out of the living room and outside.

"Harls sleep?"

"Yes sir."

"How do you feel about my daughter?"

"I really like Harls a lot my feelings are becoming deeper for her no matter how hard I try to fight it off I want her to meet Jamari but I want to wait until she's ready."

"Don't fight your feelings just let everything come natural between the two of you and things will work out."

"Yes sir."

We talked a little longer then we said our goodbyes I sent Harley a text letting her know that I left and I'll be back soon to see her. I drove off heading towards my parents house to get Jamari that's if they let him leave tonight more than likely they're going to tell me that he's fine and I can come and get him tomorrow afternoon. I thought I had him spoiled but my parents got me beat.

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