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Gabriel in m/m

Once I was released from the hospital we all made our way back to me and Tyreke house since our flight don't leave until tomorrow afternoon. We all walked into the living room and sat down.

"Alright mama it's time to come clean to daddy."

She looked at me and I nodded letting her know that it was okay.

"As you know Gabriel I was in a relationship before you it was abusive, he was manipulative, controlling and down right a drunk so when we finally met and we became friends and eventually decided that we both wanted more you helped me out of that situation and I thank you for saving my life. How the way you was treating me and spoiling me and showing me how to properly be loved it scared the fuck out of me everything happened so fast that-," she paused and wiped her eyes.

"Take your time mama."

"Once I found out that I was pregnant I was happy because I always wanted kids and I wanted them with you I was visiting Keosha and she was getting high and drinking she offered it to me and I turned her down knowing the risks that could happen. So after telling her the news I ended up going to the bathroom and she laced my food with cocaine I didn't know it at the time so I just ate my food. After a while I started feening for cocaine and I didn't understand why until I went back to her house after we got into it and she told me what she did and she offered it to me and I didn't say no I was hurting and I wanted you to hurt not knowing I was hurting Harley in the process."

"I would get high every so often to make it not noticeable to you but as I got bigger and my insecurities started to set in I thought you was going to leave me and then I started to think that you was lying to me this whole time and playing me eventually I thought you was going to treat me like my ex but that wasn't true but because I was high at the time I believed my thoughts and I pushed you away."

"I was so used to being in an abusive relationship that I didn't realize I had the perfect man right in front of me until you were gone because of me if I could go back in time I would everything that happened wouldn't have happened. I messed up I ruined us I sent you to prison out of spite. There's too much hurt there for you to even try and love me again I know it is."

"And I want to move past all of that Hanna please let me back in let me love you correctly."

"I-," Tyreke cut my mama off.

"Mama Hanna do you love Gabriel."

"With everything in bu-," Tyreke cut her off by shaking his head.

"But nothing don't let your past mistakes stop you from being in love again and being with Gabriel me and Harley have had our own issues like we both stated in our vows but the love we had for each other brought us back together and now we're married with a baby on the way."

My mama wiped her eyes and my daddy stood up and walked over to her he stood her up and hugged her as she cried. Now that these two will be making progress it's time for my siblings to finally have a sit down with our mama.

Once Zavion, Zylen and Rahanna got here they all went off on Hanna not even giving her time to explain herself it even got to the point where Rahanna was about to fight Hanna and as much as Harley wanted to intervene I wasn't about to let her put our child at risk so me and Gabriel stepped in.

"Now that y'all have gotten all of that off y'all chest it's time to move on and forgive mama I'm not saying to forget everything that y'all went through but move on that hatred y'all have in y'all hearts isn't good at all. Mama know she fucked up and she want to make things right with y'all."

"Fuck her," Zavion stood up and walked outside.

I stood up and went behind him.

"You good bro."

"How can Harley say what she just said to us when she know the shit to put us through along with her," he spoke as he paced back and forth.

"Because she forgave Hanna at least y'all grandma took y'all in she didn't want anything to do with Harley my wife my fucking wife had to fend for herself at 16 she started stripping at 16 because her other job wasn't making money fast enough for her. Harley been on her own since 16 and got her shit together with no help and after a while when we got back together my baby was hurting for her mama she wanted her mama she wanted that bond that they lost she wanted her mama to be there for her when she got married and when we have our first child and I got Hanna here and they made it and since then my wife has been the happiest I have seen her."

"Like Harley said holding in that hatred isn't going to do you any good."

Zavion nodded.

"How is Harley is she alright?"

"She's good just need to get some rest so we'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon so make sure you're here and don't have anyone in our house."

"I gotchu bro."

"I do have cameras so if you throw a party we gon know."

"Nah I'm not gon do that might have a lil shorty come through."

"Oh word."

"Yeah and she's a dancer too so I want her to meet Harley soon."

"Alright after the honeymoon set it up."

"You think Harley will like her."

"Of course she will."


We made our way back inside and Zavion apologized to Hanna then he sat down next to Gabriel and I sat back down next to Harley and we both took turns with this healing session between Hanna and her kids.

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