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Last night was unexpected and amazing Tyreke really came through for me and I can't believe that he actually listened to me about my mama. The doorbell rung I walked over to the door I opened the door and saw my mama.

"Hey mama."

"Hey sweetie."

I stepped aside and let her in I closed the door.

"How did you get here?"

"Michelle dropped me off."

"Oh okay."

We walked into the living room and sat down.

"You're beautiful."

"Thank you."

"Is that the cancer symbol on your wrist?"

I looked down at my wrist.

"It is 2 years go I had cancer I beat it and I'm a survivor."

"What type of cancer did you have if you don't mind me asking?"


Hanna nodded.

"I tried talking to your brothers and sister last night but that was a fail."

"It's going to take time for them to forgive you it's a lot of hurt."

"I know."

"I can set up a session with my therapist for all of us to do they can release all of their hurt and anger so we can move on as a family."

"Okay I would love that."

"Have you been looking for a job since you've gotten out?"

"I have but because of record no one wants to hire me."

"You'll find a job."

"I really hope so Tyreke paid for my room for 2 months and I have to find a job and place within that time frame."

I nodded.

"So what happened between you and India?"

"She shot me because I turned her pimp down about being a prostitute she was doing that and I was just stripping I never had sex with anyone."

"I was wrong about you."

"You was."

"Don't hold back on me I know you're hurt and I'm right here let all of your anger out."

"Why? Why did you leave me for him? Why didn't you want me anymore? Did I remind you of my dad too much? You always chose him over me why? Why did I deserve to be discarded like trash like I wasn't your own fucking blood? Why did you keep my dad away from me?"

I felt arms pulling me away from my mom I looked back seeing Tyreke.

"I'm okay Tyreke she wasn't going to hit me she's just hurt."

"I was your daughter your babygirl and you chose that nigga over me you left me and didn't look back. I had to grow up fast as hell to provide for myself and for years years I hated you didn't want to have shit to do with you but because I'm healing and getting my mental right I forgive you and want to reconnect with you."

"And I want that too babygirl I do."

"Babe let me go I'm okay."

"You sure?"


Tyreke let me go and I walked over to my mama and hugged her.

"How do you feel?"





"Can you bake some brownies?"

"Didn't I just bake some brownies yesterday?"

"Yeah but Mari ate them all."

"Do not lie on my baby that was all you."

"It was him I swear."

"Mhmm sure it was I have to go buy the brownie mix but yeah I got you."

"Thank you baby I love you."

"I love you more."

I told my mama that I'll be back then I made my way upstairs to my room to get my keys, shoes and purse.

Harley walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Mwen renmen ou anpil mon amour."

"Mwen renmen ou twò bèl."

Harley smiled.

"You said it right?"

"I know."

"You been talking with my daddy huh?"

"I have cause the other week you cussed me out in Haitian and I didn't know what the hell you said I couldn't use Google translate cause I couldn't spell what the hell you said."

Harley laughed.

"We'll be back later."


We kissed then Harley walked out of the living room with Hanna behind her. I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv and went to Hulu.

The other week Harley was on her period and I fucked around and brought back the wrong chocolate and she cussed my ass out in Haitian Creole I didn't know what the hell she said so when I left to go get the right chocolate and I brought it back to her she was sleep I carefully kissed her then I left and went over to Mr. Gabriel house so he can teach me how to speak Haitian Creole so for one I can understand what Harley and saying and for two I can speak it right back to her. I'm not as fluent as they are but I have gotten better than what I was 2 weeks ago.

Harley has definitely tapped more into her Haitian roots and I'm here for it I love trying new foods and everything that I have ate so far is amazing I know Thanksgiving is along way from here but I just know that the food is going to be amazing when we eat. Harley definitely gotta teach our kids her roots and all of Haiti history and Jamari will learn as well since Harley has now taken on the role of being his mom since his own mom is nonexistent.

Harley told me to reach out to Kenova last month to see if she wants to be in Jamari life and be an active mom she agreed to meet with us we even let her choose the location and she never came Harley made sure that Jamari didn't know that she wasn't there and later that night after he was sleep we talked because Jamari called her mommy before he went to sleep and she came to me in tears and was freaking out about it at first I thought something was wrong until she told me that Jamari called her mommy and how happy she was. We agreed that we'll never reach out to Kenova again to try and be in Jamari life we don't need her and that Harley will be his mom.

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