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Monday—August 17, 2020

I walked into Haynes Properties I greeted the receptionist and made my way over to the elevator I pressed the up button and waited on the elevator. Once the doors opened I stepped on the elevator and pressed the fifth floor going to Mrs. Haynes office. The elevator doors opened on the fifth floor I stepped off the elevator and walked over to Mrs. Haynes office I knocked on her door then walked in.

"Good morning Mrs. Haynes."

"Good morning Mr. Smith."

I sat down in the chair in front of her desk.

"I have the papers that I need for you to sign."

Mrs. Haynes got the papers and passed them over to me.

"You sure this is what you want to do?"


I nodded and got the papers I read over everything then I signed my name and passed her the papers back.

"Congratulations Tyreke."

"Thank you Mrs. Haynes."

"I know Smith's Properties is going to excel and you're going to top my numbers this is what I've been preparing you for since you started working for me."

"You serious?"

"Yes I am when I read your resume I saw the potential that you had and I knew that when I retire you'll be the one that's going to take over for me."

"Wow I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything Tyreke you deserve this go ahead to your office and get it cleaned out I have a few more items to clean out and I'll be out of your way. Once you get settle into your office come and meet me in the conference room so we can announce the new changes to the staff."

"Yes ma'am."

I stood up and walked over to my office and unlocked the door turning on the light then I got started with packing up my office to move into my new office. When I take my lunch I'm going to let everyone know the good news.

An hour later

I'm finally settled into my new office and now I'm making my way over to the conference room. I walked in and sat next to Mrs. Haynes.

"As of today I will no longer be working here at Haynes Properties because I am retiring it's time for me to retire. After talking with all of you and making my own decision our very own Tyreke Smith will be taking over as the new owner and eventually the name will change but for now everything will say Haynes Properties."

Everyone clapped and congratulated me.

"You all will now give your reports for the month to Tyreke any questions you may have ask Tyreke and he'll answer them."

"Yes ma'am," everyone spoke.

Mrs. Haynes sat down and I stood up.

"The goal is still the same each month we're going to beat our old monthly goals."

They all nodded in agreement I dismissed everyone we all said our goodbyes to Mrs. Haynes and I made my way over to my office and sat down. I logged into the computer and checked to see when I have to meet with my client. There was a knock at my door and Mrs. Haynes assistant walked in.

"Mr. Smith."

"Yes ma'am."

"You have someone here to see you he says he know you his name is Donovan."

"Send him in."

"Yes sir."

Kia walked out moments later she returned with Donovan we dapped and she closed the door.

"Wassup up Ty."

"Nothing much just made some changes to the office."

"Like what?"

"I'm the new owner I just signed the papers today and Mrs. Haynes is going to turn them in for the name change."

"Oh shit congratulations brodie."

"Thanks. What you doing here?"

"I need a job I just moved here to Atlanta and you know I have my real estate license."

"Yeah I do know that let's get started with the interview."

"Right now."


Donovan nodded and I got started with his interview. Thirty minutes later I looked over his resume then I told him that he had the job we shook hands then I showed him to his new office which is my old office. I've worked with Donovan before and I know that he's going to be a great asset to my company.

There was a knock at my door and Michelle walked in with a bouquet of roses.

"Are those for me?"

"Yes ma'am they are the delivery guy just dropped them off."

She sat the roses on my nightstand then she handed me the card I opened the card and read it.

"I hope these roses brighten your day beautiful I'll call you later tonight.-XoXo Ty."

I smiled and closed the card back sitting it on the night stand.

"Did Tyreke send the roses?"

"Yes ma'am he did."

"Seem like he likes you and the feeling is mutual."

"Yeah it is."

"I know that he's a good guy so you have nothing to worry about."

I nodded there was another knock at my door and Camille walked in.

"Ima leave you two call if you need anything."

"I will."

Michelle and Camille spoke and she shut the door Camille walked over to me and sat next to me.

"How you feeling babes?"

"Okay this isn't an easy process."

"No it's not but you're going to get through it because you're a fighter."

"That I am."

"Your boo sent you these roses."

"He did."

"Does he know about you having cancer and going to chemo?"

"Yes Cami he knows he was there at the center with his aunt when I went for my first session."

"Oh okay I can't wait until y'all make it official and we meet and hopefully he got some friends, cousins or a brother."

"I'm pretty sure he do."

"Have India reached out to you?"

"No she haven't I've been texting her and haven't gotten a response hopefully she's okay."

"Yeah me too I've been reaching out to her as well."

"How long are you staying here with me," I asked.

"As long as you want me here."

"You wanna watch movies?"

"Girl yes you have snacks."


"I'll be back."

Camille stood up and walked out of the room I grabbed my phone and sent Tyreke a text thanking him for the roses. I then tossed my covers back and carefully and slowly got up from the bed and made my way over to the bathroom to use it.

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