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6 months later— October 23, 2021

After talking with Mr. and Mrs. Smith they agreed to let me go and pick up Tyreke from rehab it's time for us to finally have a talk about everything. My healing journey wasn't easy but needed to be done which I did and honestly I'm in a happy place. I pulled up to the rehab seeing Tyreke I parked and got out I walked around my car and he finally looked up from his watch.

"Harley what are you doing here I thought my parents was coming? Don't take it the wrong way I just wasn't expecting to see you."

"They was but we had a talk and they agreed with me coming and getting you so we can talk and I know."


"Put your bag in the backseat and let's go."


Tyreke placed his bag in the backseat I hopped in the driver seat and put my seatbelt on. Tyreke got in and put his seatbelt on I placed the box in his hands and drove off.

"What's this?"

"Open it and see."

Tyreke opened the box and pulled out the iPhone box.

"Carmen told me to give you your new phone."

Tyreke nodded.

"Everything is already set up as far as your contacts goes all you need to do is sign back into your Apple ID."


"Are you hungry?"

"I am actually."

"Good because I'm cooking."

"So that means we need to have the talk now."

I nodded.

"I can stay and eat ion have to fix my plate and leave do I?"

"No you don't."

Tyreke nodded.

"I want to say that I'm sorry for everything that I've done to Harley and you honestly didn't deserve how the way that I treated you it wasn't my place to tell your personal business to anybody that was supposed to stay between us."

"I accept your apology."

"I'm glad that you do."

"I have questions though."

"I know and Ima answer every last one of them."

"What made you cheat on me and act the way that you acted towards me?"

"Listening to my ex college friends and drinking and not thinking about the consequences of what would happen."

"Did you mean every word that you said to me that night?"

"Absolutely not when I playback what I said to you that shit fuck with me and I'm sorry Harley I'm really am."

"Do you suffer from alcoholism?"

"I did my senior year in college I started abusing alcohol and my so called friends was steady cheering me on not caring about my well-being well one night they dropped me off to my parents house on the verge of dying from alcohol poisoning a neighbor found me around 6 am unconscious outside and alerted my parents when I finally came to I was in the hospital and my parents was there along with Carmen and I went to rehab then and promised them that I'll never abuse alcohol again and I was doing good up until recently when they saw me at the bar and things took a turn for the worse. I broke the promise to my family and I broke your heart."

I remained silent as I took in all of this new information that I never knew. Then he went in his bag and pulled out a letter and read it to me.

I was supposed to give Harley the letter that I wrote but instead I went in my bag and read the letter to her which was about 5 minutes ago and she haven't said a word.

"So how have business been doing?"

"Business have been going great."

"How was Briyah's baby shower?"

"It was great she loved the cake."

"So are you two friends or something?"

"No we cool she needed more of a support system and I'm that for her."

"So you was there for the birth?"

"I was I recorded it for you."

"Her family wasn't there?"

"Nope when she finally told them what happened between you two they basically disowned them including her sister they literally took back everything they bought her and the baby and they kicked her out she had know where to go and I was the first person that she thought of and she called me on a pay phone so I picked her up and been helping her since."

"She's staying with you?"

"Yeah she is."

"This isn't weird for you?"

"At first it was because I was still going through my healing journey but I couldn't be upset and angry at her because she didn't know the truth she only went off of what you said."


We finally pulled up to Harley house she parked and we got out I grabbed my bag from the backseat and followed her inside of the house. Instantly smelling food I closed the door and followed behind Harley to the kitchen.

"I hope you don't mind me cooking but I saw a recipe about sloppy joe burritos and I thought we could try them," Briyah spoke.

"That's the same video I saw."

"Great minds think alike."


"Okay this is weird."

"For who," they both spoke at the same time.


They both smacked their teeth.

"Get over yourself Tyreke I'm not checking for you Harley may be checking for you again but not me."

I looked at Harley and she smiled while shaking her head.

"Harley can you take over I need to feed Kyhian then pump."


"Thank you."

Briyah rushed out of the kitchen and I looked at Harley.

"You forgot to tell me the sex of the gender."

"No I didn't I wanted Briyah to tell you but she need to go feed Kyhian."

"But I don't hear any crying?"

"Her boobs are full and heavy from breastmilk and if she don't feed him and pump they're going to hurt."

"And how do you know this?"

"She told me."

"So is Briyah right you're checking for me?"

Harley shrugged her shoulders.

"You need to wash your hands and go meet your son."

"This conversation isn't over yet."

I walked over to Harley I lifted her head up with my finger and kissed her then I washed my hands and I asked her where Kyhian nursery was then I made my way upstairs to meet my son for the first time.

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