- Part 8

46 6 12


Stand and draw!

Admirable Is the Name of God. O God come to my assistance, O Lord make haste to help me.

Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Dominations, Principalities, Powers, celestial Virtues, Cherubim and Seraphim;

all Saints of God, holy men and women, and you especially, my patrons:

deign to plead for me that I may have grace to offer worthily this sacrifice to almighty God,

to the praise and glory of His Name, for my own welfare also that of all His holy church.


—I ride my avatar.

Shooting Star Dragon "Origin"!

This was the gift from Myo-kurenai's call.

Returning to his beginnings and roots, the leader of Stardust Knight emerged in his original form.

Stripping away the Star Demon Series armour and dismantling the Balance Breaker title,

Shooting Star Dragon had been reborn.

Reawakened as his former self.

Origin's skill! I turn all the cards in my damage zone face down!

I search my deck or soul for one Ayaza, Shika, Rukia, Zeon, and Backlion each, and call them to rear-guard!

Return, Rukia, Ayaza, Backlion!


I search anywhere for one card with "Shooting Star" in its card name,

and ride it!!

Shooting Star Dragon "Origin" raised his hand into the air.

I need your help... everyone.

Rukia raised her rapier,

Shika raised his fist,

Zeon raised his katana,

Ayaza raised his black flames,

Backlion raised his Claret Sword,

A new card manifested into Yza's hand.

A card from the future.

Shoot down my opponents with an endless star attack!

Ride my avatar—


The vanguard circle expanded light blue.

A faint image of a blonde haired man's back overlapped Shooting Star Dragon.

Break ride!

Origin gives Shooting Star Dragon +10k for each face down damage!

There's 14, so he gets +140k! (13000 > 153000)

I'll lend you my power just once.

Thank you... son.

The blonde haired man nodded.

Imaginary Gift: Force!

On the vanguard circle! (153000 > 163000)

Limit Break!

I return all cards in my drop zone to my deck!

Shooting Star Dragon gets +5k for each face down damage!

Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Z WorldWhere stories live. Discover now