- Part 5

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Following the Great War against the Link Joker on Cray, the Stardust Knight clan had been crowned and paraded as heroes; as the ones who saved Cray from imminent death and destruction.

However, that victory came at a heavy cost. Their leader and founder, Shooting Star Dragon, and his fierce human tamer, Shimada, had both mysteriously disappeared in the fight. Neither of their bodies could be found, so they were reported as missing.

This meant Shooting Star's second in command, Starshooter Caller, a young demon, had been thrust with the monumental task of leading the most powerful clan on Cray.

However, Caller could only think about one thing day and night. It was Shooting Star Dragon and the circumstances regarding his mysterious disappearance, or more likely, his death.

His first act as clan leader was launch a full scale investigation on where Shooting Star could be. Despite the abundance of prosperity and wealth that had fallen upon them, Caller had invested almost everything they had earned into finding out where his saviour was.

Shooting Star Dragon was more than just an amazing warrior, a powerful dragon, or compassionate leader. He was someone that would let almost anyone into the Stardust Knight clan, and show mercy and forgiveness for sins they've committed in the past.

In fact, Caller was one of the very few demons within the clan's ranks. Formerly, he was a wandering demon, known as Myo-kurenai, and one day savagely attacked the clan.

Myo-kurenai was a demon unlike any other on Cray. He had no home and belonged to no clan. His violent and angry heart caused destruction wherever he went. However, deep down, all he wanted was companionship, and for someone to accept him in this world.

After ruthlessly attacking the Stardust Knights in rage and jealousy, Shooting Star easily subdued the wild demon and saw a great potential inside of him. Taking him under his wing, Myo-kurenai was baptised as the "Starshooter Caller", taught to use the Lazarus Flute of Musca, and quickly rose the ranks to become Shooting Star's second in command.

A brilliant and wicked strategist, Caller was responsible for victories at the Battle of Orion, Battle of Ursa Major and Battle of Perseus, which secured the Stardust Knight important strongholds for defence and locations rich in resources.

In fact, Orion had been transformed into the clan's capital, and was where Caller was declared as new clan leader. However, with no more Shooting Star Dragon to call, he changed his name - or rather, reverted it back - to Myo-kurenai.

Many people knew him simply as Myo. Myo was heavily criticised by his people for being a leader obsessed with finding Shooting Star and ignoring their needs. Even though Stardust Knight was regarded as the strongest clan after the Great War, it didn't take long for them to fall from grace and lose connections to major clans like the Royal Paladin and Kagero.

This was due to the fact that Stardust Knight was a primarily military clan, and with no war to fight, the people had nothing to do or use their skills on. Many lacked basic common sense or social knowledge, as they've been trained for war their entire life. To solve this, Myo created the "Regular Act", which repurposed all of the military bases and war related sectors into educational facilities and homes for units.

This sparked a new generation of peace loving units. One of which was a small half-human, half-bird demon, Ubume. Despite her earnest attempts to fit into society, she could never find a place at school or home she could distinctively call hers.

At school, Ubume was isolated and ignored by the others as she was a demon, the rarest species in Stardust Knight, compared to her human, elf, and dragon classmates. This eventually led to bullying, where people blamed her for evil deeds they did because she was a demon, and it was taught that demons were naturally evil. As such, teachers believed those kids that pushed blame onto Ubume, and punished her repeatedly for things that weren't her fault. Ubume became the go-to scapegoat whenever someone did something that would get them in trouble.

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