#71: Shooting Star

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Vanguard. A game that has touched many people's lives, either making it better or worse. Right now, on the planet Cray, it is in peril as the Void has struck once again. This time, with a new leader.

It was raining heavily after school.

A black haired boy opened his locker, reaching for the bag inside. He had pitch black eyes and a long scar running along his left cheek. Comparatively, the other boys in his year were much more handsome than him, but he didn't mind.

He took off his Seigatsu Academy blazer and replaced it with the grey hoodie inside his bag. After stuffing the blazer into his bag, he went outside.

His hoodie soaked up the rain, slowly changing colour from light to dark grey. As he put up his hood, a shadow was cast over his lifeless eyes.

"Damn rain..."

A discontent mumble came from the boy as he wandered down the street aimlessly, muddying his off-white trainers in the dirty puddles without noticing. This zombie-like behaviour was a result of an unambitious life and empty void in his heart.

It was Thursday, and his best friend was at a card shop. Other than him, this boy had no other friends.

He looked up at the gloomy sky to see if the rain would stop. Unfortunately, the swirling clouds above replied with even more rain.

It was like the weather was reflecting his own emotions back at him. Misery and anger.

The boy had just finished a detention after school for getting into another fight with a student over a petty reason. It was probably an insult to his dead father, who passed away during work. If not his father, then his mother, who constantly worked day and night to make ends meet.

It was no secret that Yza and his family were dirt poor. This, alongside his reputation of getting into fights, made him extremely unpopular and bullied at school.

Either way, this boy was a volatile person that anyone could get a reaction out of easily.

As he walked, he felt something hit him. He looked up, raising an eyebrow.


A scatter of cards with "Vanguard" written on the back fell down from the sky. He flinched and looked behind him, seeing the cards move by themselves into a neat deck.

One card fell perfectly into his hand. He rubbed the back of his head in confusion.

"Shooting Star Dragon?"

After staring at the card for a few minutes, he let go of it, walking away.

As he did, he passed me.

A massive hole blew through my chest.

My heart had been torn from me without my consent.

Blood exploded from my empty torso, splattering on the streets and cars passing by.

Yet no one noticed the excessive amount of red that stained their windows or the thick blood that pooled on the floor like a sloppy mess.

This murky and depressed city filled with gloomy life... it was definitely Tokyo. I could vividly remember this street.

It was here where I fought Gyze.

I staggered forward, and reached my hand out to him desperately.

This isn't how it was supposed to happen... if he doesn't pick up that deck, then...


I called his name as I tried grabbing onto his shoulder. However, my hand passed through him, like I was a ghost.

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