- Part 4

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A man with bleach white hair and blood red eyes looked over his left shoulder, smiling at the man behind him.

A man with pitch black hair and a scar on his left cheek looked over his right shoulder, frowning at the man behind him.

The white haired man's world was sunk in pure darkness. The black haired man's world was coveted in pure light.

Where the two colours met merged into an inky grey. The increasingly blurred line that separated them was fractured, bleeding light and darkness into each other.

Ryuusei stood on the edge of death. Yza stood on the edge of life.

Yet it was Ryuusei's face that was full of life. In contrast, Yza's face was full of death.


Turning around to face each other for the first time, Yza instinctively called out the familiar stranger before him.

"It's been a long time since we've last talked, Yza. I suppose a thank you is necessary, as you've made my job so much easier. With this new vessel, I can finally destroy the universe like I've always wanted to!"

Matching his counterpart's aggression, Ryuusei declared his harrowing intentions with a coprophagous grin. Yza didn't take the provocation lightly, and began grilling him for answers.

"Ha, you're welcome. It just means I can kick your ass a second time!" Yza raised his fists with a scowl. "How the hell did you enter my body?! When the fuck did you become a personality?! What are you doing inside my head?! Answer me, you bastard!"

"Aren't you a cheeky one." Ryuusei scoffed, pushing him away. "It's simple. Before that menace Crystal Edge could erase me, I slipped a small part of myself into the closest living being, which just so happened to be you. However, since that fragment of me was too small to ever take control of your body as my new vessel, I had to wait until one of your personalities sunk into despair."

As if pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, a look of realisation flashed across Yza's face.

"...you used Yozora!"

"That's right. That poor bastard... nah, more like that lucky bastard. Ayaza, who I manipulated into doing all this for me, managed to draw out enough darkness from Yozora to the point I could feed off of it and grow into a size sufficient enough to consume your body. There was one problem though."

Ryuusei sighed, ruffling the back of his hair and smiling thinly.

"There were three other distinct personalities all competing for this vessel. You, the sad original, Yozora, the idol trash, and Kinjuzo, the pea for brains. I had to get rid of the competition, you know?"

"What did you do... what did you do to them?!"

"I formed a body using your other personalities. Or to be more specific... I ate them. It was a simple process, really. All I had to do was show the already breaking Yozora even more despair. Once I broke his mind, I could easily slip into his body and form a new personality inside your head. Say hello to your fourth, and soon to be main, personality..."

Ryuusei's eyes started glowing bright red.

"Ryuusei Kirukiru."

"...you piece of shit!"

Yza ran forward and raised his fist, before Ryuusei stuck his hand out and stopped Yza in place without even touching him.

"Your violent side is leaking out."

"I don't care! Just give me back my personalities!"

"Your personalities? They were never yours to begin with. In fact, calling them "yours" says a lot about you, doesn't it? It's more of an insult to them than anything. After all, they're their own people, aren't they?"

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