#7: Zeroth Race

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Outside the hotel's front doors, the group of friends who went to America, Yozora, Chiharu, Rukia, Shika, Zeon and Kristy, entered a black limo which was ordered by Zeon.

"Yo, Post Yolone, how was your date with Chiharu?" Shika snapped his fingers at him.

"It was good—"

"It was amazing! I'm so lucky to have Yozora as a boyfriend!" Chiharu clung onto him like a magnet.

"Wow, Yozora has a girlfriend now?! I'm so proud of you!" Kristy clapped happily.

"Did you guys do the dirty?" Zeon asked, as Yozora went dark red. Kristy looked up at Zeon.

"What's "do the dirty"?"

"Hey, don't ask that! My little sister is here!"

"We did." Chiharu gave a peace sign, smiling widely. Yozora gave a weak glare, which was more like a dangerous squint, at Chiharu.

"Don't encourage him!"

"What's "do the dirty"?!"


"It's obvious she's joking, nimrod." Rukia bonked Zeon's head using her fist, smiling. "Also, Kristy. Do the dirty means doing the dirty laundry together."


"So, here's a few important questions. How long was his dick? How large was his dick? How many times did he came? Did he get you pregnant? Was condoms used?" Shika started to rapid fire questions as they settled inside the vehicle. Yozora punched Shika in the arm.



"It's okay, Shika. I know what a dick is!" She smiled.

"..." Yozora opened his mouth to speak, before shutting it close. "These idiots... if I weren't so tired right now, I'd torture them with bad singing!"

"Hmm... well, I think his dick was about 11 inches. Girth wise, it was a decent size. Yozora came ten times! And no, he didn't get me pregnant, luckily. Condoms weren't used." Chiharu replied happily. Yozora's eye twitched as Zeon had a confused face.

"11 inches... that's such a long dick!" Kristy gasped.

"OH COME ON!" Yozora screamed, smoking coming from his mouth.

"Will big bro be okay? There's smoke from his mouth."

"Are you sure you know what a dick is?" Rukia laughed nervously.

"Yep! A penis!" Kristy chirped.

"The next generation is doomed..." She deadpanned.

"OKAY, I CAN'T TELL IF YOU'RE JOKING OR NOT!" Zeon screeched loudly, ignoring everyone else.

"It's called banter!" Shika blew a raspberry.


"She knew what a dick was Yozora. Let it go." Chiharu patted his arm.

"Your right... I done a massive goof when she knows what a dick is..." He sobbed.

"Why is big bro crying?"

"For big brother things, Kristy." Chiharu nodded.

"GAAAAH, I GIVE UP!" Zeon exclaimed after thinking about what was going on. Crossing his arms, he sulked while everyone else laughed, minus Yozora.

"Imagine if his dick was 11 inches though." Rukia commented.

"Didn't you and Yza fuck before?" Shika asked bluntly. "Hell, I even filmed it!"

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