Chapter 66

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"A roller skating ring? Really?" I frowned at my boyfriend who put our helmets away in his motorcycle, slightly shivering from the fresh night wind.

"Yes! I thought this would be fun." He shrugged glancing at the colourful ring.

"Are you doing this just because back in Hokkaido I told you I'm terrible at skating in general?" I raised a brow and got closer to Victor, who simply grinned.

"Maybe." He winked as I facepalmed.

"I'm wearing a gown! How are you expecting me to roller skate in this?" I raised my arms in the air.

"You underestimate me sometimes." Victor pouted, unveiling a bag hidden behind him as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I brought some clothes, so that we could roller skate in peace."

"I cannot believe you're doing this just to see me fail at one thing." I sighed as a grin spread over his face. "Do you even know how to roller skate?"

"I used to come here with Vlad all the time when we were kids." Victor shrugged as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bathrooms. "I come here from time to time, just to relax."

Once we reached the bathrooms, he opened the bag, grabbed his clothes and handed it to me. "Here, you left this in the washing machine a couple of weeks ago, so I grabbed it for you."

He giggled slightly as I shook my head. "I cannot believe you pulled me into this."

"It'll be fun, I promise." He reassured me gently caressing my arm. "Just trust me for once."

I stared in his bright amber eyes. I'd never seen Victor quite this happy; ever since we'd won, something inside him had changed. And I loved this new side of Victor.

"Alright." I gave in as he gave me a soft peck on my lips and headed to change.

I headed to the bathroom myself. Some girls that were in there stared weirdly at my unusually elegant gown, but said nothing about it. I took a deep breath, then zipped the bag open. A smile was suddenly splattered on my face; it was the black checkered dress my brother Ben had gotten me for Christmas.

At the time, I'd gone to Victor's apartment all happy because of it, and although he hadn't quite used these words, it was clear he'd loved it as well.

Taking off the gown turned out to be the most complicated part of the whole affair. Jade had helped me zip it up back home, so I had no idea what I was doing. Hopefully I wouldn't break it.

Once the gown was finally off, I carefully slipped on the little dress, slightly shivering from the cold. I then folded the gown into the bag and headed outside.

Victor was leaned on the pole, wearing a white and blue bomber baseball jacket, his usual black jeans and a white shirt underneath.

His face lit up as I approached him. "I somehow like this dress better." He murmured as I leaned in and his hands found his way around my waist.

"It's just because it's easier for you to feel my butt this way." I smirked as he let out a small chuckle.

"Maybe." He moaned as our lips locked and our tongues intertwined.

My hands placed on his sculptured chest, a soft blush on my cheeks, and the sounds of our hearts beating in union, our tongues danced with each other as we shared a passionate and profound kiss.

I finally pulled away slowly, panting a little from the lack of oxygen, the tips of our noses still touching.

"Let's go." He smiled dragging me by the hand towards the ring.

"Hey, has anyone seen Victor and Avril?" I asked as I approached the others, Ryoma's arm around my waist.

"Actually, now that you mention it, I haven't seen them in awhile." Gabi replied thoughtfully.

He was sitting on a sofa with some of the other team members, as they yawned a bit and looked at the packed dance floor.

"They're probably doing the dirty in the bathroom." Aitor shrugged as Lucian threw a pillow at him. "What? It's true!"

"Avril would never do it in a bathroom." Skye glared at Aitor as Arion came back with some drinks.

"Victor probably dragged her to do something romantic." He shrugged as he drank his glass of water.

"Huh, no offense Arion, but Victor doesn't really come off as the romantic type." Michael pointed out as Eugene and Ade nodded besides him.

"You'd be surprised." Arion raised his brows enigmatically. We all stared at him confused, but no one added anything else.

"Well, either way, I hope they're having fun." I smiled serenely as Ryoma placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

After everything they'd been through, they really deserved to be together.

"VICTOR BLADE I FRICKING HATE YOU!" I screamed as I fell on my butt for the hundredth time of the night.

The navy blue haired boy laughed in the distance, as he swiftly turned around and came to my rescue.

"What's wrong, love?" He purred stressing the last word. Damn it, he was enjoying this so much.

"I have fallen more times than I can possibly remember, and I am freezing cold!" I retorted, irritated, as I slowly tried to stand back up.

Victor's strong arms suddenly scooped me up, helping me stand correctly as they found their way on my waist.

"Ok, let me take care of the cold first." He whispered softly in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine, as he started taking off his baseball jacket.

"Wh- but-" I tried to protest as he slipped the bomber onto me.

"There, much better." Victor smiled, now only in his white T-shirt.

The jacket that had fit Victor so well was way too big for me. Heck it was even longer than the dress! Yet Victor seemed to like the charm of the oversized jacket. I blushed slightly at his stare. Sometimes I was still not used to it.

"Ok, how about the 'I continuously fall on my butt' problem?" I pouted as Victor let out an energetic chuckle.

"I'll guide you through it. Look, hold my hands." His hands moved from my waist to mine (hands) and looking down, he showed me how to move my legs. "Like this. One left, the one right."

Although Victor was obviously a great teacher, and his jacket was warm and smelled like him, it was pretty clear I'd never roller skate in my life. The only reason I was managing some movements now was because he was guiding me through it.

"Ok, now you try it alone." Victor said with no warning, suddenly letting go of me.

"What? Vic, no, I-" My face turned pale as I tried to turn around.

Forgetting I was on roller skates, I clumsily lost balance and fell right on top of Victor. I heard a big thud as we hit the floor. I quickly pushed my hair out of my face, placing my hands on Victor's chest and looking at the idiot smirk.

"I hate you, did you know that?" I asked frowning as his lips formed a small curve.

"You've mentioned that a couple of times already." He mused as he cupped my face and pulled me into a sweet kiss. Right in the middle of the ring. But hey, it was still a pretty sweet kiss.

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