Chapter 31

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Luckily, trainings had finally gone back to normal. As it turned out, Coach Sharp was assessing our strengths and weaknesses, to allow us to get better.

The team now back to normal, Wan Lee and J.P. in particular having had trouble with Sharp's hard trainings, we were able to focus better on our next game.

"What do you mean we're playing against the Kirkwood Academy?" Riccardo had exclaimed as Avril and I looked at each other. We'd never heard of that school.

"I just got the confirmation." Coach Sharp explained as the whole team sighed. "They're also under the Fifth Sector's control."

"I'm sorry, but who exactly are these guys?" Aitor asked, in his usual sarcastic voice.

"The Kirkwood Academy won last year's championship. We disputed the finale with them, but lost 1 to 2." Samguk told us, his face darkening slightly. It was clear that loss had hurt them a lot.

"But wasn't the score decided beforehand?" Lucian replied innocently.

"Not that one." Gabi shook his head. "We were allowed to play it fairly."

Riccardo looked thoughtful, biting his lip and staring in the void. The loss had clearly marked them.

"Well, I'm sure we'll win this time!" Ryouma exclaimed happily as the rest of the team agreed silently.

As practice kept going on, it was clear the whole team wasn't focused. Apart from the new players, everybody was thinking about the finale and couldn't concentrate.

"That's enough." Coach Sharp had announced 30 minutes before the usual end of practice. "Go home and rest. You'll need it. We're playing against the Kirkwood Academy in 3 days, so you need to be in your best shape."

Everyone had nodded sadly, heading to the benches to stretch and drink water.

I'd only managed to grab my bottle, before Avril had ran to me, standing on her tiptoes to whisper in my ear: "I'm going shopping with the girls, so I'll be a little later than usual, ok?"

I nodded, chuckling as Avril ran to Jade who was screaming her name. I kept watching her as she ran to the locker rooms, a smile on my lips. That girl sure is something.

"Hey, Victor, can I ask you something?" Arion approached me, water bottle in hand. He looked thoughtful.

"Shoot." I replied, gulping down my water.

"Are you and Avril dating?" I rolled my eyes, not spilling any water. Vlad asked me that question so much, I'd gotten used to it and wasn't surprised to it anymore.

"What makes you think that?" I asked smiling, looking at the brown haired boy.

"Just the way you look at her. Oh, and the fact you're so much nicer to her than anyone else." I chuckled.

"She's my friend." I answered making Arion pout.

"Oh, and we're not?" I shook my head chuckling some more.

"It's different."

"Exactly! We're all your friends but you treat her special." Arion seemed lost in thought as he thought it through. He finally looked at me, nodding. "I think you should ask her out."

"I really don't think I should be taking romantic advice from you." I said as I walked to the locker room, Arion promptly following me.

"Well why not?"

"Well, let's start with the fact you're completely oblivious to the fact Skye likes you, and literally everyone knows." He turned bright red as I shook my head.

"She does?" He mumbled awkwardly as I nodded. He looked all happy, until he remembered what we were talking about and suddenly pouted again. "Well, at least I know how I feel about Skye! I don't try to deny it, like you do."

"Really? How do you feel about Skye?" I asked, suddenly curious. Who knew Arion wasn't oblivious to romance?

He paused, looking at Skye and turning red all over again, before turning back to me. "I don't really know how to explain it... I like looking at her, she makes me feel safe and happy. I'd do anything to protect her. Every time she's in trouble, I want to help her so bad." We stopped, looking at the horizon. That did sound a vaguely familiar.

"To sum it up... if Skye showed up at my house in the middle of the night, I'd let her crash over." I choked on my water this time, as Arion looked at me curiously. Shit. "Are you ok?" He immediately asked, looking worried and confused.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I replied, coughing. Could Arion know? He didn't look like he did, but at the same time, wasn't it weird that he chose that particular metaphor?

"Did I say something?" He asked, seriously worried but I just shrugged him off. It was probably just a coincidence.

"It's fine. Well I guess you should tell Skye now that you know." I opened the door as Arion stood still, dumbfounded.

"Are you sure you don't like Avril?" I laughed, nodding.

"Positive." I closed the door behind me, Arion looking as confused as ever.


"So? Did you do it?" I asked Arion as we hid behind the school's wall. The girls were waiting for me, a shopping afternoon ahead of us, and this idiot had taken 20 minutes to get out of the shower.

"I still don't understand why I had to tell Victor that liking a girl means letting her crash at your house. I'm pretty sure that's not even how it works." I rolled my eyes as Arion protested.

"Don't worry about it. So? What did Victor say?" I asked eager, but Arion just shrugged.

"He choked on his water, but that was it. He said he was positive he didn't have crush on Avril." I sighed, exasperated. How could it be possible that both Avril and Victor were so damn stubborn? "I still don't understand how that was the part that was supposed to help Victor out."

"Doesn't matter." I motioned him off with my hand. "You've been an ok assistant."

"Only ok? I was great!" Arion pouted.

"Well, are Avril and Victor dating right now?" I asked as Arion looked alarmed.

"Huh... no?" He mumbled turning red.

"Then you were only ok." Arion sighed as my friends called me. It was time to go. "Thanks for helping. I promise you, we will get them together, even if I have to lock them in a closet together until they confess their feelings to each other!" I then ran off, hearing Arion protesting in the distance.

It was clear Avril and Victor liked each other, so really, all they needed was a little push. And lucky for them, I was there to give it.

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