Chapter 24

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"What?" Avril's eyes had narrowed.

"Yeah, it happened right after I left. That's probably why he didn't testify either."

"I am literally so confused right now." Aitor said, being dramatic as always. "Who the hell is Njord? And what is this stuff about everyone needing to testify?"

Ignoring his second question, Avril grabbed a small picture from her bag. "Njord Snio was one of the strikers of our team, and Colton and I's best friend." She handed over the picture to us.

In the picture were Shawn, Avril, Colton, and the blue haired boy I'd seen on the Internet, Njord. They were all drinking smoothies in the cold, smiling and doing peace signs, as Avril held the phone to take the selfie. She looked happier than usual.

"We literally did everything together. I can't believe he would play for the Fifth Sector." She shook her head, probably remembering all the good times they'd had.

"They still haven't answered the question about testifying." Aitor whispered as I glared at him. He turned pale and looked away. Good. Avril clearly didn't want to talk about it, and he had to let it go.

"Yeah, well, believe it. That's why I came here." Shawn said, turning to us. "You have to win against the Alpine and bring some sense back into Njord."

"What? They're out next opponents?" Avril had asked, startled.

"Yeah, we found out this morning." Gabi nodded.

"We'll win, Shawn, don't you worry." Coach Evans had assured him. "Njord will come back to his senses."

We'd all agreed, Arion and J.P. excited more than ever, but Shawn still looked uneasy.

"Avril, there's more." Shawn had finally let out, as everyone looked at her.

"Shawn, what's the matter?" She'd asked, slowly patting his shoulder.

He sighed, shaking his head, and looking away. "Sam and Tom Phelps are playing too."

All the colours had drained from Avril's face, as her eyes started tearing up. She shook her head slowly.

"No. That's an impossible." She'd whispered.

"Believe it, they're the supporting strikers." Shawn was looking at Avril eyes full of worry.

"But Njord was there." She was holding her head with her hands as Shawn had pulled her close to her. "He was there when it happened. He would have never let them play." She'd murmured, looking up to Shawn as he shook his head sadly.

I was trying to figure it out, but it didn't make much sense. Everything was all related to Colton somehow, but I just couldn't connect the dots. All I knew was that something was awfully wrong.

"I really feel like we're missing a part of the story." Aitor had groaned, to which Gabi had scolded him.

"I don't know what's happening to Njord right now. He's different." Shawn had raised his shoulders, resigned.

"Who exactly are Sam and Tom Phelps?" Lucian, the new player, had finally asked with a tiny voice.

Avril and Shawn had instinctively looked at each other.

"Sam and Tom Phelps were... Huh... players from the Fifth Sector." Avril had finally let out, trying to calm herself down. "They'd been sent by the Fifth Sector, to try and recruit us." Avril looked away.

"It didn't work in the beginning but..." Shawn hesitated. "Stuff happened, and there was a bit of a rupture in the team. That's how they managed to convince them to play with the Fifth Sector."

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