Chapter 63

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I barely heard the referee blow the whistle and didn't even notice the scoreboard changing. I was staring in shock at Victor and Arion who'd landed back down, performing an improved version of the legendary "Fire Tornado" as well.

Too many questions were going through my head. How? What? And why?

I instantly turned my head to Axel Blaze. He seemed to be having an intense conversation with the leader of the Fifth Sector, Gyan Cinquedea. What the hell was happening?

Victor approached me. "Avril." He murmured gently squeezing my hand.

"I... don't understand. How did you and Arion do that?" I finally let out.

"After you left the hospital on Monday, Axel called for me." He explained calmly. "He told me that he'd been directing the resistance from the inside, and that in order for us to win, I needed to learn his own technique."

My mind went blank as Victor said these words. I couldn't form a coherent thought. So Axel Blaze... had never been evil?

"Is this why you disappeared?" I asked, slowly piecing everything together.

Victor nodded silently. "He told me not to tell you. I thought I was protecting you by not telling you but..." he sighed. "I was obviously wrong."

"And most importantly, he never expected you to learn my own technique out of spite." A voice suddenly called.

Both Victor and I turned our heads to Axel Blaze, whom hand in pocket, was standing in front of us.

"I..." I tried to mumble, but the words died in my throat.

"Don't be too mad at Victor, he was just trying to protect you. I can assure you, you were the only thing on his mind the whole time." Victor turned slightly red and gave the man a feeble smile.

"Wait... you know?" I asked suddenly even more confused.

"Yes." Axel nodded. "I'm sorry I had to put you through all that. I knew you were strong enough to get through it-" he paused, giving me a rare smile. "-and you proved it to me."

I looked down to my shoes, ashamed, squeezing Victor's hand. "I thought I needed to teach you a lesson... show you what the real soccer is about."

Axel chuckled warmly and placed a hand on my shoulder as I looked back up. His hazel eyes were smiling at me.

"I think that was very noble of you. And I kind of prefer the ice version too." The three of us managed to laugh. "Let me guess, you used Shawn's theory of beats?" He asked as I happily nodded. "I've heard a lot of great things about you. I hope we'll be able to play together one day." He asked as a grin took over my face.

"I would like that too." I replied, as I felt Victor pulling me close to him.

"And you too, Victor." the former striker then turned to my boyfriend. "Thank you for helping me. You exceeded all of my expectations."

I could see the excitement in Victor's eyes as he answered with a happy "Thank you."

Axel then turned around, staring at Coach Evans and Coach Sharp who were warmly smiling at him. He turned back to us. "I have some more friends to catch up with. From the bottom of my heart... thank you." He bowed politely to us and then left to reunite with his old friends.

I turned my head back to the scoreboard. 5-4 for us. I smiled, feeling the tears prickling my eyes. Was it even real?

"It's very much real." Victor whispered to me, reading my mind. I turned to face him correctly.

He passed a hand through his messy navy blue hair, his amber eyes glimmering with joy, a small grin splattered on his face.

"I hope you're not too angry at me." He finally let out, his smile flailing for a split second.

I quickly shook my head, grabbing his second hand and holding it tight. "I could never be mad at you." I admitted as a small tear rolled on my cheek.

"But don't you ever do that to me again!" I suddenly threatened, placing a finger on his chest as he started laughing out loud.

"Pinky promise." He winked as I shook my head. This boy drove me crazy.

I suddenly found myself staring at his soft lips, and I could feel him do the same.

"So... does this mean I can kiss you now?" He asked, smirking slightly.

I giggled, looking at the scoreboard again. "Well, it does read we won so..." I gave him a mischievous smirk. "I guess you can."

"Oh thank god." He sighed as I giggled.

His lips crashed onto mine as my giggle died in his mouth. Snaking his arms around my waist, he pulled me as close as he could, as I swung my arms around his neck. God, how much I'd missed him.

It felt so good to finally feel his lips again, after almost a week of barely seeing him. Victor tightened his grasp, not daring to let go, but he had nothing to worry about: I wasn't going anywhere.

"OH MY GOD GUYS, THEY'RE KISSING!" Jade's high pitched scream brought us back to reality.

We parted, panting slightly, as we looked at the red head who was pointing at us, eyes wide in shock. The whole team was staring at us confused, wondering what the hell was going on.

Victor and I looked at each other and giggled. Now, we'd finally get to have some fun.

Victor threw his arm around me, as I held his hand tightly.

"Really, Jade, you are so late to the party-" I started mischievously, as Victor and I walked past her and towards the locker rooms.

"-We've been dating for 2 months!" Victor finished as Jade's mouth dropped.

"WHAAAAAT?" She exclaimed as she unleashed chaos behind us.

My boyfriend looked at me, amber eyes gleaming, both of us giggling loudly as we heard Jade have a panic attack behind us.

Some things never changed.

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