Chapter 48

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2 days before Christmas

"Well this is nice." I finally said stepping out of the shower and laying on the bed next to Avril.

It was around 10PM. After our chaotic first day, we were finally off to bed, to get some sleep we very much needed. Avril was wearing one of my hoodies, which she kept stealing from my closet back home, and was quietly reading a book.

As soon as she felt my body hit the bed, she closed the book and turned to me.

"How was your first day in Hokkaido?" She asked smiling.

"Well, apart from the time my girlfriend smashed a gigantic snowball in my face..." she giggled, guilty. "It was pretty fun. And I think Njord actually likes me."

"Yeah, he was very excited to hang out with you." She replied.

"What, is he part of our fan club with Jade?" She snorted.

"Something like that." She smiled, putting the book on the bedside table and snuggling close to me. "You know, in the end, I'm glad we're sharing a room."

"Yeah." I said, gently caressing her hair. "I like it too."

Avril bid me good night and closed the lights, never leaving my side. In a matter of minutes she was sound asleep. It used to take her hours to sleep, but whenever she snuggled her head in my neck and held my hands tight, she seemed to somber in a very peaceful sleep instantly.

I looked to her side of the bed. Although this was a king-size bed, Avril was so close to me there was probably place for a third person on her side. I didn't mind though, not at all. I smiled, caressing her hair some more. It must have been the force of habit which made Avril fall asleep so close to me.

And as I fell into a deep somber as well, all I could think of was that I liked it very much.



"Ok, can we start the meeting guys?" I whispered as all the heads nodded.

We were in Rosie's, Skye's and my room, all sitting on the floor, and the space was only lit by a small candle in the middle of the circle.

I was surrounded by Rosie, Skye, Njord, Ryoma and Arion.

"I keep thinking this is a bad idea." My boyfriend protested, to which I just rolled my eyes. "Avril has a boyfriend for heaven's sake!"

"Doesn't matter." Njord shrugged him off. "She never even mentioned him to me, maybe it's not true."

"She had a hickey." Rosie pointed out. "She couldn't give it to herself."

"This is not the point guys!" I grasped everyone's attention. "The point is, we have 6 days to get Victor and Avril together."

"Or at least to kiss." Arion cheerfully said as he took notes in his notepad.

"That won't be too hard, it's Christmas season after all." Skye smiled deviously.

"Alright guys, I have two plans. If one fails, we still have a backup." I explained as everyone quietly nodded. "But the second one is really the last resort, so let's try to make the first one work, alright?"

Everyone whispered words of approval as I started telling them my plans.


"I really don't see why we need to buy gifts for the whole team." Micheal protested one more time as Ryoma hit his arm. "What? I'm serious!"

"But it's Christmas!" JP said happily trotting in the snowy streets of the town.

This morning, the Coaches has said they'd take us in town to buy some presents and souvenirs, and relax a little before the Christmas celebrations for tomorrow.

Jade, Avril, Skye and Rosie had immediately shrieked of joy, happy they could get some shopping done, and had left us wandering in the streets as soon as we had arrived.

As for us, Njord was guiding us in the streets, making us enter shops and find presents as we could.

Arion and JP seemed very excited, to the point where Arion had happily accepted to help me buy gifts for the other teammates. Hearing him gush over anything and everything had been a bit painful, but to be honest I wasn't close enough with any of the other guys to find them decent presents.

Others were less excited, like Micheal who seemingly hated the snow, and even more the idea of buying presents for other people. Eugene wasn't particularly fond of the snow either, but at least he wasn't complaining quite as much.

"Ok, so did everyone get what they needed?" Njord asked, and I remembered my big dilemma: Avril's present.

I'd been looking through every shop in town, but I just couldn't find something for her. I wanted to buy something meaningful, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to find exactly what I wanted. It was the only present I'd told Arion I didn't need his help with.

"I still need to buy the presents for the girls." Gabi said looking at his list, and some of the other guys nodded as well.

"Alright, well over there's a good jewellery shop, maybe we'll find something." Njord smiled warmly at us as we all walked towards the shop.

The jewellery shop was quite big, with beautiful necklaces and bracelets all over. As all the guys started looking around, pointing at this or that, thinking of whom to give it to, I walked around the shop.

Sure, some sort of jewellery was a nice gift but... I really wanted to be meaningful.

I stopped in my tracks and took a couple of step backs, something in a case suddenly catching my eye. I smiled. It was perfect.


"I just don't know what to buy him!" I sighed, looking at my list. I'd found a gift for everybody except Victor.

Jade and the girls kept telling me not to overthink it, but I kept doing so. He was my boyfriend after all, even if they didn't know it, and I wanted to buy him a nice present.

"Come on, you know him better than any of us." Skye tried to cheer me up. "I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for."

We stepped in a clothing store, where hoodies were hanging all around and Skye started to go crazy for their coziness. As I looked around, a particular shade of purple caught my attention.

I walked towards the purple hoodie, and took it down from the shelf. It was a plain hoodie, but at the top right in front was embroidered a tiny soccer ball.

I smiled and brought it to the register, finally having found the gift for Vic. As I was paying, I noticed some jars sitting on the counter.

"They're money saving jars." The man behind the register said noticing my interest.

"Can I write something on the label?" I asked, and the man quickly nodded and gave me a black marker.

Smiling, I scribbled something on the etiquette, and gave the jar to the cashier. "I'll take this too then."

He nodded and started wrapping the gifts. As I turned around, I noticed my friends giggling and snorting, holding some mistletoes.

"Oh boy." I thought as I paid. "This is going to be an interesting Christmas."

Steal My Heart (Victor Blade)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें