Chapter 9

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Another week had gone by.

Victor hadn't shown up at the boat again. I have to admit, I did wait for him every night, hoping to see him walk towards me and step on the boat.

I'd gotten used to his company, and the silent boat and sound of the waves just didn't calm me anymore. I wanted Victor to come back, for some weird, unexplainable reason.

In French class, our conversations had become civil, even friendly. We never talked about the bike accident, or the boat, but I could read in his eyes that there was no more disgust.

In some weird twisted way, he trusted me. And I trusted him.

"Hey, penny for your thoughts?" Skye said smiling as we walked in the hallway.

"Oh nothing." I blushed hard. "Just thinking about the team's last game."

Skye suddenly cheered up. "I'm sure they'll be able to fight the Fifth Sector this game!"

A lot of things had happened: Riccardo had tried to quit the team, but Arion and J.P. had managed to convince him to come back and play the real soccer again.

They'd disputed a match against the school of Tengawara, in which also Samguk, the goalkeeper, and Gabi, the pink haired defender, had also decided to rebel.

It was as if a wind of revolution had blown upon the team. My mum had been happy to see their spirits lifted, even if just for those 5 players. The rest of the team still seemed uncertain on what to do.

As we walked towards the field, Jade and Rosie were looking at the team with a worried look.

"What's wrong?" Skye immediately asked when we reached them.

"It's Doug. He quit the team." Rosie said pointing to the arrogant striker that was walking away (this team has a serious problem with their strikers' personality).

"Oh no!" Skye gasped. "There will only be 10 players now!" She said, furrowing her eyebrows sadly.

"That's the thing." Jade said slowly. "Victor Blade decided to join instead."

My heart stopped as I looked at Victor on the field. He didn't look like the Victor I knew; rather the Fifth Sector version he showed everyone to protect himself.

Whatever Victor was up to, it was no good.

"And the coach let him join?" I finally asked, gulping hard.

"Yeah." Rosie sighed. "This isn't going to go well."

I nodded sadly. After talking to him these past two weeks, I had almost forgotten that he worked for the Fifth Sector. Victor had told me the Fifth Sector would only pay the money for his surgery if the Raimon lost. Was he going to sabotage the team?

"Maybe you could talk to him Avril." Jade finally said.

"What?" I jumped, startled. "Why me?

"Well you guys seem to get along fine in French Class." Jade smirked.

"We're just working, Jade. Besides, I don't think he'd tell me anything."

It was half true after all. Although Victor and I talked a lot, he never talked about the Fifth Sector and I never asked. It was like a silent agreement we had.

"Avril's right." Rosie sighed. "There's nothing we can do. We just have to sit back and cross our fingers."

I nodded sadly. What are you up to, Victor?


I'd been turning and tossing in my bed for an hour now. I hadn't even gone to see Vlad. I couldn't bring myself to after what had happened.

Flashback, Fifth Sector headquarters

"You called for me, Emperor"? I said as I stood in front of his throne.

"Ah yes, young Victor Blade. Tell me..." he paused, licking his lips. "How come the Raimon team hasn't been disqualified already?"

"They will be." I promptly answered. "Not even half of the team wants to play. They won't make it against Mannouzaka."

"That's what you said for Tengawara too, isn't it?" I bit my lip.

"Pure luck sir."

"Yes well, I need certainty that the Raimon will lose this time. I want you to play the next match."

"But sir-" i immediately protested.

"No buts. You'll play, and you'll make sure they'll lose." He shrugged me off.

"But how am I supposed to do that?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"You're a smart boy, Victor. I'm sure you'll find a way. When the Raimon loses, you'll get the money for your brother's surgery."

End of Flashback

I had to make the Raimon team lose. That was that. For some reason, my heart ached just a little. Actually, scratch that, I knew exactly why: Avril.

The thought of betraying her after everything she'd told me made me uneasy. I needed the money, I knew I had to do it, but I wasn't so sure I wanted to anymore.

I sighed and looked at my alarm clock. 00:14.

There was still time to call Avril and sail with her tonight. Surprisingly, it was the only thing I'd wanted to do since last time (although preferably not wet this time).

Giving up, I grabbed my phone and texted her.

You up?

Who's this?


How do you even have my number?

I asked the French teacher.

And in what context exactly did she think it was ok giving it to you?

You're my seat mate, told her I had question regarding our project.

I see.

Are you going to sail tonight?

You wanna come?


Meet me at the port then. I'll be there in 10 minutes.

I closed my phone and headed for my closet. At least I'd get to sail with her one last time before the game. After that... she probably would never want to speak with me again.


I parked my bike and headed towards the sailboat. Surprisingly, Victor was already there, leaning on the mast.

"You been here long?" I asked as I untied the rope.

"Just a couple of minutes." He smiled. "Where's your dog?"

"Left her at home, she really doesn't like the sea." We both chuckled as I stepped on the boat. "Remember the manoeuvres I taught you last time?"

He quickly nodded.

"Alright then, let's get to work!"

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