Chapter 39

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I look at myself in the mirror as my phone chimes.

I'm here, parked at the house before yours to avoid your mum's wrath :)


It's finally Friday. I put my phone down and stare at my reflection. I smile. I look very different than usual.

Obviously, my untameable hair's down as always, but I'm wearing a short black dress with red roses, and a casual denim jacket on top of it. I'm also wearing a bit of mascara, which I usually can't even get on my face without putting it all over, but this time miraculous managed to do.

I grab my purse, put my phone back in it, and run down the stairs.

"Mum, I'm going!" I scream, with one foot out of the door, but my mum stops me in action.

"Hey! Wait!" I turn around sheepishly as my mum comes in the entrance and stares at me from head to toe.

"I thought you were going to the festival with your friends?" She asks, brow raised. She was cooking, and is wearing her apron with a spatula in hand.

I bite my lip. "I am! What's the matter?" I try to sound unfazed, but my voice shakes.

"For starters, you're wearing mascara." Ah shit. "And you're dressed so fancy! You sure there isn't anything you want to tell me?"

I shrug as my heart beats loudly in my chest. "It's a girls night out, mum! Of course we're going to dress pretty!"

She stares at me for a little longer before loudly sighing. "Alright, go have fun."

"Thanks mum, see you later!" I quickly kiss her goodbye and head out.

As I turn to the corner, I see Victor resting on his motorcycle, looking in my direction. He's wearing a casual purple shirt and some surprisingly not ripped jeans.

When he sees me arrive, his amber eyes light up as his cheeks turn a pale pink.

"Sorry about that. My mum grilled me before going." I smile warmly as I stand in front of him, but he doesn't answer. He's just staring at me. "You ok?" I finally ask after awhile.

He seems to shake the trance off. "Sorry." He grins. "You just look adorable."

I rest my hands against his chest as he cups my face and pulls me into a sweet kiss. My hair waving in the wind, we stand there, our bodies close, as neither of us dare take our lips off the other.

We finally part, breathless, as we both smile.

"Let's go?" Victor asks happily, as I nod.


"Are you really sure you want to do this rollercoaster?" Victor asks, uncertain, as I jump happily.

We're standing in line for the "Super Hulk", the biggest rollercoaster I've ever seen. I've been dying to try it, my brothers and I being rollercoaster freaks, and this is the best opportunity.

"Yes! I loove rollercoasters!" I exclaim excitedly as Victor finally seems to relax and lets out a chuckle.

"Sure. But if you get scared on the top, it's entirely your fault." I nod at the speed of the light as Victor laughs.

We finally reach the front of the line, and the lady sits us right in the front of the rollercoaster. Victor and I sit together, putting our seatbelt over our heads, and once everyone's in position, the engine starts going up.

The way up takes a lot of time. We're passing through a glass tube that'll take us to the top, from which we'll go down and even do death spirals.

"Weird." I think as we keep going up. "How long can this possibly take?"

I make the big mistake of looking through the glass as the engine reaches the top and stops. I gulp hard. Fuck it looks high.

"Vic?" I stare in front of me again, fear taking over me.

"You having second thoughts?" He asks, and I notice he's turned completely pale.


"Great, that makes two of us then." Victor mumbles. "Can't believe I listened to you and got ourselves into this mess."

"Just shut up and take my hand."

Our fingers barely have the time to intertwine as the coaster finally rolls down and we start screaming our souls away.


"Oh come, you can't seriously want to buy this!" I look at the picture Avril's holding in her hands. It's the picture from the rollercoaster, in which Avril's and I's mouths are deformed from our screaming.

"Why not? Look, we're super cute! We're even holding hands!" She points to our arms in the air, holding each other's hands. I smile a little.

"I guess that's cute."

"Besides, this way I'll never forget you scream like a girl." Avril squawks as she starts running away.

"What? Avril, I do not! Avril Jones-Karasu, get back here!" I shout, running behind her.


"I do not scream like a girl!" I hiss as I hit Avril's bumper car, while she laughs her head off.

"Hehe he hehe" is all she's able to let out as she weakly turns the steering wheel and hits my car.

Avril ran away into the bumper cars area, and we've been hitting and hitting each other for the past 10 minutes.

"Oh come on! We were both screaming!" I pout as I hit my laughing girlfriend's car.

"I know! But I didn't know you screamed like that!" She squeaks, finally having stopped laughing, and hitting my car.

Our cars turn around, and we end up side to side. I narrow my eyes as I smirk. Avril looks at me with a playful eye and an eyebrow raised.

"You're luck you're cute." I slyly smile as our lips meet.

"Mummy, what are those two doing? Aren't they too old for cars?" A little boy is pointing at us, as his mum chuckles. She then pats his head.

"Love has no age, darling."


"Oh look at that!" Avril exclaims, pointing at a giant Husky plushie.

Cotton candy in one hand, holding each other's hand with the other, we're just walking through the festival's stalls.

We stop in front of one covered in giant plushies, but the Gigantic white husky seems to have caught Avril's attention.

"It looks like Neige!" She happily says as she lovingly stares at it.

"That's the Grand Prix. You need to kick down every figurine with the water gun." The owner points to the game.

"Let's do it!" She happily exclaims, as I give the owner a couple of bucks and we start shooting down the figurines.

From the start, it's clear Avril's behind, while I'm actually pretty good at it. I chuckle as I watch her struggle besides me.

When time's up, Avril hasn't managed to shoot half of them, while I've won everything.

"Oh young man! I guess you won the dog plushie!" The owner of the stall says as he turns to it and gets it ready for us. I look over to Avril, who's pouting, eyes narrowed, looking at me. I chuckle.

Big mistake, I soon realise as she turns the gun to me and starts spraying it on me. I stand there in shock, before turning my gun around and spraying her as well.

The owner comes back with our plushies, eyes wide in horror, as we keep spraying each other and laughing.

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