Chapter 18

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Needless to say, it had been a hectic week. Finding out about the resistance had shaken everyone, especially me. If the resistance was fighting the Fifth Sector and trying to bring them to justice for their crimes, did they have a file on..?

"No." I thought as I shook my head. "Not the time." I focused back on my French work. Victor was sitting next to me, a worried look on his face. He'd noticed something was bothering me, but I hadn't told him what was going on. I didn't want to talk about it, not yet anyways.

"You ok?" He whispered as the teacher tried getting Arion to pronounce the words correctly.

"Huh... yeah, sure." I quickly answered, not daring to look up from my sheet. I knew that if I looked at him, he'd know something was really wrong.

Ever since the match against the Royal Academy, the team had been much friendlier with Victor. We all sat together at lunch, and he was always seen hanging out with us. It confused all the people who didn't know he'd left the Fifth Sector, but it didn't matter.

Although Victor was now on good terms with everyone, he mainly spent his time with me, which Jade kept pointing out, annoyed. I didn't care much though. I didn't mind Victor's company one bit.

"You've been acting weird ever since we visited the Academy last Sunday." He continued whispering. He'd been worried about me for some days, but I kept shrugging him off. It was nothing anyway, just some stupid feeling I'd gotten.

"Really?" I asked, still focusing on my work.

"Hey." He stopped my hand, forcing me to look at him. In his eyes I could read he was seriously worried about me. "You can tell me if something's wrong, you know that right? You don't have to pretend."

I swallowed hard then smiled genuinely at him. "I know. I'm just a bit tired, that's all. You know, slapping you is frankly exhausting." He chuckled.

"Really? Well it actually hurts, so you should probably stop."

"What, you don't enjoy it?" I asked smirking, looking at him.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. It's hilarious, really." He said sarcastically.

Just as I was about to tease him back, the bell rang, releasing us from the clutches of the weeping French teacher. Arion exasperated her so much, she cried pretty much every lesson. Our friend was obviously confused about it all, not knowing what to do. Jade and Skye usually laughed it off.

"Avril, Victor." Jade said approaching us as we packed our things. "We have that self defence class, and Riccardo called an emergency meeting."

"During the self defence class?" I asked, smiling.

The school had decided we should learn some moves to defend ourselves, but frankly, nobody took it seriously. The managers along with Victor, Riccardo, Arion, J.P. and I had been sorted in the same group, and our turn to "learn how to punch" was today.

It didn't surprise me Riccardo had decided to have the meeting during the class. He'd gotten some news from Coach Evans earlier this morning, and he'd been trying to talk to us the whole day.

"It must really be an emergency then." Victor said, standing up.

"Come on guys, let's go!" Rosie called from outside the classroom.

We all walked to the gym, wondering what the hell could have unstabled Riccardo so much. Victor had teased pianos had been banned from Japan, to which I had friendly punched his arm.

When we arrived, Riccardo had saved us some seats in the back row. He waved at us as we walked over to him. We all sat in a circle, a little squished, as Riccardo waited to start speaking. I'd gotten stuck between Victor and Arion, the polar opposites.

Steal My Heart (Victor Blade)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin