Chapter 51

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I was about to close my eyes to sleep, when my phone chimed besides me. I immediately reached for it, thinking it was maybe Avril who needed something.

Hey, I want to show you and Riccardo something! Meet me in front of the supply closet in the main cabin.

I frowned. What did Arion want to show us anyway? Riccardo still had a plaster on his leg, so moving around was quite difficult for him.

I sighed in irritation. As much as I admired the guy's love and dedication to soccer, by leaving I probably wouldn't be back before Avril. Which meant we wouldn't get any alone time before tonight.

Alone time didn't mean sex. To be honest, I hadn't even really thought about it. Avril and I liked messing around, and for now, neither of us needed more than that. It was always cheeky things, or devouring her neck, but it'd never gone further. I didn't even care; as long as I was with her, everything was fine.

I finally got out of bed, texted a quick "Coming." to Arion and, putting the scarf Avril had gotten for me, exited the cabin.

Once I finally reached the main cabin, I instantly noticed the dead silence. Where was everybody anyway? After getting lost a couple of times, I finally reached the supply closet, which was located in a more secluded area of the building.

Arion wasn't there, and neither was Riccardo. "Weird." I thought as I took my phone and looked at Arion's text. It was only from fifteen minutes ago. Then where the hell was-

"Ouch!" I screamed as I felt two strong sets of hand push me towards the closet as another swung its door open.

I fell backwards into something big, as I dropped my phone and felt someone who wasn't me shout "aaah!". Before I could react, I heard the lock in the door turn.

As I tried getting up, I realised I was on top of something big. Or rather, someone.

"Avril?" My eyes widened as my girlfriend's green eyes stared at me in confusion.

"Vic?" She asked startled.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had an emergency meeting with Jade!"

"Yeah, I thought so too until I got thrown into this rusty old closet!" She protested loudly. "What about you?"

"I was supposed to meet Arion here, until I got pushed in as well." She bit her lip, gathering her thoughts.

Why did Jade and Arion want to lock us up? Arion was too innocent for these thoughts, so it must have been Jade's plan. But what could she possibly want from us?

Both Avril and I's eyes widened as realisation hit us.

"Is this one of Jade's crazy stunts like the mistletoe the other day?" I groaned, irritated, as Avril rolled her eyes.

"Seems like it. She did tell me she'd lock us into a closet and force us to confess our feelings for each other if she had to." She shrugged.

"But we already did." I arched my eyebrow.

"Yeah, but she doesn't know that, does she?" I slowly nodded as my girlfriend sighed. We were stuck in a dusty old closet for at least the next couple of hours.

I smirked, noticing we were still in the same position: I was laying on top of her, hands placed on both sides of her face as she stared at me. The supply closet was rather dark, but I could still see her sparkling green eyes.

"Will you get off already?" She finally asked after a long pause.

"Well why would I? This is a great opportunity, isn't it?" I smirked as Avril's cheeks flushed. We'd been dating for almost 2 months, but she still turned red every damn time. It was quite cute.

"I don't really think this is the best place..." she mumbled slowly, but her body seemed to want something else. "I mean, what if Jade comes back?"

"I don't think she's coming back for a long time." I shrugged as she bit her lip. She finally shook her head, flashing me a sly grin.

"Alright, you're on B-" her words died in my mouth as my lips attacked hers, causing her to let out a small moan of surprise.

My hands instinctively cupped her face as she snaked her arms around my back. We kept kissing, our tongues dancing in harmony, slightly panting from the lack of oxygen.

I pushed a rebellious strand of hair out of her face, and Avril shivered to my touch. I wanted to venture on her neck, but she was wearing an annoying red turtleneck which didn't allow me to do so.

Instead, I slowly lowered my hands to her waist, making her lift her legs up and tie them around me. This caused Avril to let out a series of moans which made me tremble.

Noticing my fluster, Avril took the opportunity. I moaned in surprise as I felt her teeth dig into my lips.

A smirk appeared on her face , as she clearly felt the shiver run down my spine. "I can be naughty too, you know?" She managed to whisper in between kisses as I tightened my grip on her. Oh how this girl made me crazy.

Footsteps in the near distance brought us back to reality, as I instantly let go of her and we both stood up, trying to fix ourselves as best as we could.

We waited for the door to open, in vain. It had just been a false alarmed.

I sighed as Avril passed a hand through my hair, trying to unmessy it. She chuckled. "Well that was perfectly timed."

I looked over to her; she was flashing me one of her rare genuine smiles, the type that made my heart flutter and whose memory always stayed in my head.

"I think Jade's going to be gone for a really long time." I finally said, emphasising on the "really". "Wanna watch a movie? I have my phone with me." I said taking it out of my pocket.

"Sure, but only as long as I get to pick." She winked as I laughed.


The credits rolled as Victor planted a light kiss on my cheek, his arm snaked around my waist. We were sitting down, surrounded by buckets, mops and other various cleaning utensils.

"Well that was a fun movie." I happily said, looking at the time. We'd been stuck in the closet for almost 3 hours.

Almost reading my mind Victor rolled his eyes. "Locking us in a closet in hope of us confessing to each other is probably the dumbest thing Jade has ever come up with."

I nodded. "I know, and I swear to God, when I find that girl I will-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence, as we heard the key in the lock turn and Victor quickly removed his arm from around my waist.

We stood up, as Jade's jolly figure appeared.

"So? How'd it go?" She asked smiling deviously, and I realised Skye, Rosie, Arion and Njord were all standing behind her. Of course they were in on it too.

"Jade, we watched a movie in the middle of yellow buckets." Victor replied, the annoyance in his voice very sharp. "It was not exactly a pleasant experience."

"So..." she trailed off, her face turning red as she realised her failure. "You guys didn't confess your feelings for each other?"

Those words were all she had to say. "JAADE!" I screamed as her face widened in horror and I threw myself on top of her, causing everyone behind her to fall down.

"DON'T YOU EVER PULL A STUNT LIKE THIS AGAIN, DO YOU HEAR ME?" I kept screaming, ignoring her pleading as I wiggled uncomfortably on the mass of bodies.

Victor was the only one standing, leaning on the door and smirking at my sight. What an idiot. I thought as I gave Jade an earful long over due.

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