Chapter 49

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"Merry Christmas Victor! Merry Christmas Avril!" Jade exclaimed as she hugged me tightly and I laughed.

We'd just woken up, and after a kiss or two, we'd finally decided to join the others in the main cabin.

Everyone was exchanging gifts around the fireplace and Christmas tree.

"Ok, Jade, you can let me go now, it's fine." I chuckled as my friend let me go.

"Come on! Time to unwrap gifts!" She shrieked excitedly, as everyone laughed and we started exchanging gifts.

I really wanted to give Victor his present, but I could never have a moment alone with him. Every time I tried to talk to him, someone came and interrupted, grabbing us and throwing us into some other mess.

But that didn't discourage me; Vic and I kept glancing at each other as I watched Jade her gift.

"Avril! You got me a whole set of new bows!" She said happily, showing Rosie and Skye all the different colours.

"And wait until you see Skye and Rosie's gifts." I winked as Jade eagerly unwrapped theirs, and found some matching skirts.

"Guys! I can color code now! This is awesome!" She pulled us into a tight hug as we all laughed.

I'd pretty much given all my gifts and received something from everyone too. Arion had gotten me a new soccer ball, Riccardo had gotten me Axel Blaze's biography, and JP had remembered my dog and bought a little pillow for Neige to sleep in.

Of course, all the other gifts had been great too, but all I really wanted was to give Victor's his. And see his reaction.

While Jade and Skye were deep into a conversation of how they'd chosen their boyfriends' gifts, Rosie blushing sadly, I'd felt a familiar hand on my arm.

"Hey." Victor whispered as I turned my head. "Wanna come over there? I wanna give you your gift." He said moving his head towards the big veranda that showed the snowy scenery.

"Sure. I need to give you mine as well." I nodded happily and followed him to the slightly more secluded area.

I turned to watch the others, making sure no one was paying too much attention, then turned back to him and gave a small nod. From behind him he pulled a small package.

"When I saw it I immediately thought of you." He mumbled, blushing a little. "I hope you like it."

"I'm sure I will." I replied eagerly unwrapping the package.

When I finally managed to get the paper off, I found a cute little jewellery box, with a neat silver bow throning it. I looked at him excitedly, before carefully sliding the lid off.

"Vic..." was all I managed to let out as I stared at it. "It's..."

I stared at the necklace. It was a simple silver necklace, carefully displayed in the box. But what had really caught my attention was the little charm hanging from it. A miniature bicycle, decorated with some small diamonds. To commemorate the first time we'd actually talked, and I'd ran him over with my bicycle.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, his voice shaking a bit, and as I looked up to him, I saw the worry painted on his face.

"Oh, Vic, it's perfect." I said, throwing myself in his arms as he held me tightly. I wanted to kiss him so badly, but I knew I couldn't with all these people around.

"I immediately thought of you when I saw it." He explained without letting me go.

"Of how I ran you over with a bicycle?" I asked smirking, slowly pulling away from him.

"I still have the little scar." He smiled softly.

"Will you help me put it on please?" I asked, slowly taking the necklace out of the box and handing it to him.

I turned around, raising my hair as he opened the little lock and passed the necklace around my neck.

"There." He said, and as I turned around, I couldn't help but stare at the little bicycle throning my chest.

"Victor, I love it." I said, allowing myself to hold his hands as he smiled at me with that smile he usually didn't display around others. "Thank you."

I then grabbed my own package. "And I have something for you too."

I handed him the package with the big red bow, as he slowly started tearing it apart. The first thing he saw was the hoodie.

"Avril..." he chuckled, holding it wide open and passing his fingers over the small soccer ball embroidered on it. "You do realise you'll probably steal this from me in a couple of months?"

"Nope, not this one." I promised as he kept chuckling. "Besides, it has to get your smell first."

"Thank you." He smiled softly, putting the hoodie aside and finally grabbing the jar. "What-" he stopped mid sentence, reading the inscription on the label.

It read "For Vlad's surgery." .

"I thought since you don't have the Fifth Sector's money anymore, that you might want to save up." I said, grabbing a 20 dollar bill from my pocket and slipping it in the jar. "And I'm happy to be the first one to contribute to the cause."

I smiled widely, waiting for his reaction. He was still holding the jar, looking at the empty jar (apart from my 20 dollar bill), standing dumbfounded as he stared at it.

"Is everything ok? I can always-" but I didn't manage to finish my sentence as I felt Victor's arms envelope me into a tight hug.

"Did I ever tell you you're the best girlfriend ever?" He whispered, as I held onto him tightly and silently nodded. "Thanks." He whispered once more, as I burrowed my head under his neck like I liked to do.

"Victor! Avril! Look!" Jade suddenly pointed at something above us.

Victor suddenly let me go, remembering we were around people, and we both looked up. We both turned pale as we saw what Jade was pointing at: a mistletoe.

"You have to kiss now!" Jade said mischievously as Njord snorted.

Victor looked at me, seemingly not even breathing, pleading for help. I quickly glanced around me, and saw Riccardo and Rosie entering the room.

At the speed of light, I ran towards the two, and grabbed them by the arm and under the mistletoe, pushing Victor out in the process.

"Avril, what-" they tried to protest, but I hadn't stopped until they were well under the mistletoe.

"There! Riccardo and Rosie are standing under the mistletoe!" Everyone turned their heads this time, as both of them looked up and turned red as tomatoes.

"Come on, you have to kiss now." Victor explained smirking a little, glad I'd gotten us out of that situation.

Riccardo and Rosie just kept mumbling non sense, both too shy to do anything. I looked over to Jade: she was clearly torn. As much as she wanted me and Victor to be under the mistletoe, she also knew this was a very good opportunity to get Rosie and Riccardo together.

"I hate you." She hissed at me as I laughed, then walked towards the two lovebirds under the mistletoe. "That's enough! I'll make this happen since you're too dumb to do it yourselves!" She shouted as everyone kept laughing.

With no warning, Jade grabbed both Riccardo and Rosie by the arm, spun them around, and pushed their faces together as their lips locked. The whole cabin erupted in screams of joy as the two turned red, unsure on what to do, and then savoured the long awaited kiss.

Jade stepped to the side and bowed, as we all laughed hysterically.

I looked over to Victor and winked. He smiled back, then went back to watching the scene with a laughing eye.

I chuckled to myself. That boy owed me his life.

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