Chapter 8

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It was midnight when I finally left the hospital. This time, I'd been able to stay with Vlad much longer, and although he kept pestering me about joining the football club, it had still been a pleasant visit.

A week had now gone by since the bike accident. Just as Avril had said, my leg had been fine two days later, and I had started training again with no problem.

Our discussion still confused me. I'd never told anyone about what I was doing for Vlad, and then all of a sudden, a girl showed up and I gave her my story on a silver plate.

Curiosity had gotten the best of me. I'd been so eager to learn some more about her and her mysterious ways, I hadn't realised everything I was sharing about it myself.

Did I regret it? No. It felt good finally having an idea about what she was thinking when she looked out the window during French class. I knew it wasn't the whole story, there were still too many questions unanswered.

Like, how did she know about the Fifth Sector? And why did she quit soccer? Was it related to her brother?

I had a feeling it was, but I couldn't be too sure. I had made 2 steps forward and taken 5 back. Avril Karasu was one big mystery.

As I approached the football field near the river, I spotted a familiar silhouette: Avril.

She was sitting in the grass, holding her dog tight as she cried silently. Her dog, Neige I think, kept licking her, trying to stop the tears from flowing, but there was nothing she could do.

I stayed still, unsure on what to do. I didn't want to leave her like this, she was in a state of total shock, but at the same time, there was nothing I could do.

Tears still streaming down her face, she took her dog and said: "It's ok baby, it's ok. I know you don't like it, but I'm still going to do it. It'll all be alright."

She then stood up and started running towards the port, quickly followed by her husky.

"Oh. Oh." I thought. That doesn't sound good. What was she talking about? Was she going to do?

I started running behind her as realisation hit me: she was going to kill herself.

I reached the port and looked around: no sign of her. Although I'd ran 3 blocks behind her, Avril was exceptionally fast, and I could barely keep up.

What was she planning on doing anyway? Drowning herself? I didn't like her much, but there was no way I was going to let her hurt herself.

Still looking around, I finally spotted her hair in the wind. She was on a small sailboat named "the Twilight". Was she going to throw herself to the sharks?

I started running as fast I could towards the boat, as I watched it sail away from the wooden deck. I was almost there, if I jumped high enough, I could land on the boat.

"No! Stop!" I screamed as Avril turned around, eyes full of surprise, and I landed in the freezing water.


"No! Stop!" I turned around, face painted with surprise. Usually there was nobody at this time of the night.

It was Victor. What was he doing here? Our eyes crossed for a split second before he fell in the freezing water.

"Victor!" I screamed as I ran towards the end of the boat, looking for him in the water. A couple of seconds went by before his head popped out of the water as he gasped for air.

"Let me get a rope and I'll get you out of there!" I screamed as I ran towards the little shed on the boat.

Neige barked with urgency at Victor, as I went through the tools and finally found some rope. Running back to where Victor was, I threw the rope at him.

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