Chapter 5

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I looked up and my eyes widened in shock as the Captain from the Fifth Sector team walked in. Jade, Skye and I instinctively looked at each other, wondering what the hell was going on.

His coach had said only one student went to our school, and it just so happened to be him. Arion looked all happy and jolly, but Skye had warned me he was kind of a soccer freak, so I wasn't too worried about that.

"Huh... sorry I'm late." He said as the whole class, including me, stared at him.

"Your name?" The teacher asked grabbing the register.

"Victor, Victor Blade." He said and I felt my muscles tense.

So that was his name, huh?

"Alright Mr. Blade. Try to be more punctual next time, will you?" He nodded as the teacher scanned the room to find a seat for him.

"Oh fuck." I thought as I realised the seat next to me was empty.

"Ah, I got it! You can sit next to Miss Jones-Karasu over there." She pointed at the seat next to me and I feebly raised my hand to help him locate me.


"Actully, it's just Karasu, professor." The girl had softly smiled at the French Teacher.

"Oh of course, sorry dear. Come on Mr. Blade, I don't have all the day."

I snapped out of my trance and went to sit next to the girl. I had immediately spotted her, along with that soccer freak Arion when I had come in, but to sit next to her? That was just too much.

At least I knew her last name now. Jones-Karasu. Or well, Karasu, as she had corrected the teacher. I lightly glanced at her notebook, trying to be as discreet as possible. It said "Avril Karasu." That was her name then. Avril.

Although I couldn't see her, I could feel her tense up next to me. She had instinctively moved her chair as close to the window as she could, and she was nervously playing with her hands.

I was used to being hated on for being apart of the Fifth Sector, but I had never gotten this reaction. She didn't seem angry or mad, rather lost... and possibly a bit scared. I obviously made her uncomfortable, but I couldn't decipher why.

As the lesson went by, it was clear she was perfectly fluent in French. Her notes were perfectly written and organised, and she seemed to be the only out of the whole class who wasn't behind.

"Arion, it's bonjour." The teacher explained to the boy for the 100th time, in vain. Arion kept saying "boojour", and the teacher couldn't get him to say the simple world correctly.

"Can somebody else say it correctly please?" The teacher finally gave up, sighing exasperatedly. "Miss Karasu?"

"C'est Bonjour." She said without even looking up from her notes. The whole class turned to her as the teacher stood silent and astonished.

Avril looked up and bit her lip, realising she had spoken perfect French. She was about to say something when we heard the teacher making weird noises.

As we all turned our attention back to the teacher, she was in tears, probably exasperated by Arion's terrible French, and happy to know there was at least one good student in her student.

"Oh my god. Did I make her cry?" Avril asked, looking at the teacher with a worried face.

"I... think so." I finally replied, my face painted with disgust more than anything else.

"This is going to be a long year." Avril finally sighed before getting back to her notes.

It took the teacher a whole 10 minutes of calming down and breathing exercises before she was finally able to ask the questions on everybody's tongue.

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