Chapter 61

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"This cannot be happening." I heard Avril mutter under her breath as we all walked back on the field, her hair having permanently changed to platinum blond, at least for the rest of the game.

It was all quite unreal. Not only did the stadium rise, cutting us off from the outside world, but the whole team was replaced? Something felt very wrong.

As I looked over to Axel Blaze, it became clear that he had no idea this would happen. This whole time he'd been leading the resistance from the inside and now... his efforts were about to go to waste.

We couldn't let that happen.

"Come on, everybody, I'm sure everything will be fine." Arion screamed in encouragement, but his voice seemed unsure.

We had the start kick. I passed the ball to Ryoma who leapt forward. Fast as the wind, the four midfielders stood in front of him.

Ryoma was about to send it back to me but then... what?

My eyes widened in horror as the four midfielders evokes their Warrior Spirit, the exact same one for each of them, Pawn of the Game.

Ryoma tried to break through their barrier but promptly fell back. The ball started going back and forth, and Avril quickly left her post. The opposing team's shots were violent and fierce, the defence was suffering.

One of the midfielders finally managed to shoot. Avril tried to run back to block it, but she could never make it in time. Samguk struggled a lot, but eventually pushed it out of the cage's way and straight into the game.

Swift as the wind, Avril grabbed the ball and leapt forward, motioning for me to come with her. But it was no use; as soon as I got the ball, I was pushed back down by one of the midfielders. I hit the floor with a thud as Avril approached me.

"Are you alright?" She asked worriedly.

"The ball!" I exclaimed pointing at the cage.

We turned to watch the scene. This time it was one of the strikers who had decided to shoot, and he too had a Warrior Spirit.

Samguk struggled even more than last time, but managed to send it back in the field, avoiding the worst.

"Samguk won't make it at this rate." Avril whispered, helping me up and running quickly back towards the defence.

The ball started being stole back and forth all over again. The other players were far too fast and we couldn't get the ball to our side anymore.

Avril got the ball once more, but one of the strikers was having none of it. Evoking his Warrior Spirit, he pushed Avril out of the way violently and stole the ball. She didn't get up as he took another shot.

Samguk used his technique "Fence of Gaia" to try and stop it one more time. We all stared at the scene in disbelief, as our goalkeeper struggled to block the ball. He finally did, but was violently thrown against one of the poles of the cage. He fell to the floor, moaning in pain.

I first ran to Avril, helping her up.

"Nothing's broken." She coughed, reading my mind and approaching Samguk.

Samguk was hurt badly. He wasn't going to be able to play the rest of the second half. We watched as the medics walked on the field and placed Samguk on a stretcher, JP warming up to replace him.

"We have to be more careful and find an opening." Arion declared thoughtfully as we listened closely for our new strategy. "They only have 5 Warrior Spirits, we can beat them. When we find it, give me the ball and I'll score."

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