Chapter 26

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After saving myself from those dumbass morons and renting a bike, I had arrived in at the outskirts of some town, in a forest that surrounds the town's boundaries from all the fucking sides.

I did have my gun and knives, but can't just start firing in the middle broad daylight now, can I? And the bike which I rented must have thought it was a great idea to straddle me in this weird town. And the owner was even more wonderful. Instead of apologizing, the moron started to yell at me!

Immediately I cut off his one sided conversation and informed him that he can shove those swears up his ass and I wouldn't give him a damn penny to repair the motorcycle and that he should find the damn thing himself, hanging up the call.

It's a good thing that I never give my real identity when I have to vehicle rental services or to any other place where personal info is to be given, for the matter of fact.

I swear to hell and back, if these are Jasper's goon, he has hell lot of to pay! And well, if it's someone else, they have to still pay the same price!

I had finally reached the secluded area of this town and was about to take out my gun to get ready for some action when I bumped into a short girl and started to yell in Spanish.

"Mira miel, lo siento mucho pero tengo que esconderme en algún lado, mi vida está en peligro." I said in Spanish.

(Look honey, I'm so sorry but I have to hide somewhere, my life is in danger.)

At least because of the triplets, I had learnt Spanish and got my ass saved from getting murdered by a Spanish high schooler.

I started to run away from her before she could reach out to remove the mask I had on my face.

She continued to curse at me in Spanish, staying that she hopes that the people who are trying to be a threat to me will find me as soon as they can.

They won't be able to track me anyways, miel.

Ugh, why am I always the one who gets to meet such bratty morons?

I run into the forest trying to make it even more confusing for those morons.

After what felt like ages, I ended up at a treehouse. Vines all over the wooden railings, walls, roofs, the dust resting on the staircase, total silence and many other factors led me to conclude that no one visits here anymore.

Escaping the vines that hung around the door like booby traps, I went inside to see everything was covered in white sheets. Like the people who owned this treehouse had abandoned it for a reason and not just out of nowhere.

I kept the sheets intact, knowing that someone will turn up here. I explored the tree house further, trying to get familiar with this place.

I triple checked the treehouse and its surroundings thrice, to confirm that there are no recorders, cameras, trackers or explosives in this tree house.

I don't want to get murdered in my sleep or get kidnapped by those morons who were chasing me.

After all, I was tired as hell and there's no way in hell that I was going to refuse this opportunity to stay under a roof after running around like a mad woman with a heavy backpack on my shoulder.

Those motherfuckers! They just went around firing as soon as they saw me. It was really a great thing it was night time and no one was on the streets. I was barely able to miss their bullets as they had silencers on their gun.

It's a good thing that I had my emergency backpack with me. I could survive off with it for days now that I have found this place.

And if Jasper decides to track me with this ring that he has given me as the fake engagement ring, he is in for a hell of a ride.

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