Chapter 44

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It was a bracelet. Not any bracelet though. A diamond bracelet that Mark had given only to Riley as a birthday gift last year. And this made it crystal clear that someone did, in fact, break into this penthouse during the time we were in the club. But I still can't rule her out of the list. Riley might have done this thinking I would cut her off from the list of possible traitors.

Because that bracelet definitely wasn't here when we first got here. And I know Riley enough that she's neither stupid enough to leave behind such a big clue nor she will ever misplace something that's dear to her. She almost had my head when I asked her if I could borrow her bracelet for a few hours that day when we were going for that Masquerade Ball. Mark literally had picked her up to refrain her from getting near me and putting all 6 bullets into my head.

"I found this after you almm- received that call from Riley. And that means someone was definitely here when we were not at the penthouse. And since according to you everyone has their own suite on this floor, why would they want to get inside yours?"

Don't fucking mention that almost kiss again, you idiot! It's already enough that he's restraining himself from knocking you out!

He closed his eyes and asked coldly, "When?"

"When you came back and snapped at me for not getting any concrete conclusions."

"Then why didn't you say any fucking thing!"

"And what, let you surprise me by slamming that lamp against my head hard?" I pointed at the broken lamp I threw a few minutes ago. "No thank you!"

"Did I do that now when you revealed it just now?"

"You and I both know that when we both are angry we take people off guard with our actions. So I would rather take precaution than risk at this point." I shrugged.

"Ugh y- Leave that, what about that sticker? Got progress on that?"

"Almost complete. I couldn't stare at that thing without blowing out my brain, so I looked into some other incidents that happened with us before. I called my informants only to get to know that-" I stopped as he suddenly held my wrist and said.

"Come on." Without letting me give any time to react, he made me tag along with him.

"Wait, wait, wait before dragging me off like that, let me take my sling bag. There's some stuff that I want. And I do want to keep this safe. I don't want the evidences to miraculously start disappearing." Taking out my mask and scarf, I wore them to cover my face. Keeping the bracelet in my sling bag, I slinged it across my shoulder. I think he was getting impatient because he literally dragged me out of the penthouse with my bag almost slipping off my shoulder.

Ho, dole phodun baghat basaa aamchya kade. Murkha lok. His staff were staring at us with wide eyes like fucking idiots, as if they had never seen people running in a hurry before. I don't know how and why people think they can poke their nose in others' fucking business, like it's theirs to know or something.

Jasper eventually slowed down though, when he realised that his entire staff were looking at us since according to them I'm his 'fiancèe'.

After what feels like an eternity of walking, we were at a lake near the hotel. "And what are we doing here?" Not going to lie, I was starting to feel a little better after that walk. But I won't accept it loudly in front of Jasper. His ego would get so big, even this open space will start to feel suffocating.

"All you needed was some fresh air, Venere."


"You shouldn't say such words for those who are risking their damn neck to save yours."

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