Chapter 41

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I concentrated on the food I ordered for myself in order to ignore Jasper, who was staring at me like I said I'm some sort of ghost. Because according to him, I made him 'work for hours like an idiot for nothing'.

But at least that's better than being totally unguarded. What if we hadn't searched and the penthouse was in fact bugged? Then what? If we were you make plans here then they would have gone down the fucking drain. But who will make this bastard understand that?

"Now, tell me from which gadget I should start? Your mobile or your 'Oh so precious' tab?" His teasing voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

He stood up as soon as I did and we pulled out our guns to point it at each other. He pointed his gun on my head while mine was pointed at his chest.

"Just try to touch any of my gadgets. Especially my tab. I fucking dare you." I stared into his eyes to let him know how serious I am.

"Huh, whatev- Che cazzo!" Coincidentally we both pulled our guns down but I was fast enough to snatch his gun from him.

"If you get any ideas to try and set my electronics on fire, you should know there will be a price to pay. Because I'll never let anything wrong happen to me or every person or everything that's dear to me, ever again." I dismantled his gun and threw its parts away one by one in any random direction.

"Enjoy the treasure hunting, Darling."

I walked back to my room to get some damn work done. If I stay with Jasper in that room, I will either lose my brain cells or I will kill him for looking so sexy without even trying.

And neither of those actions are necessary right now.

I got back to the room Jasper 'assigned' to me... More like imposing the damn decision on me by telling every staff member that I'm his fiancèe who is angry at him and to never give me the key to any other room of this hotel. That damn motherfucker even gave back that extra key I asked for to discuss that whole 'swapping the guns' ordeal.

Let's keep that aside, right now I have to recall all that has happened since I had been living with the DeLuca crew. It should give me some damn clue as to what am I missing from this ordeal.

I grabbed the tab and stylus to open the notepad for creating a flowchart timeline of the important events.

First attack on Jasper, then getting that list from that damn phone and getting to know Jasper & I have the same target, knowing there's a mole in the crew, then another attack on me and Jasper.

Then all that shit with Oprah, then I had to go to hospital but ended up going to some random town to save myself because of which Jasper tracked me and we ended up having a car chase.

Then at that gala, where we went to find a clue there also someone had known about me funding it and had managed to get the song changed without letting me know about it. We got home because I insisted, as it had thrown me off guard.

We couldn't find anything about that either and then that blast which couldn't even destroy the whole living room. We got nothing about the blast except that screenshot, because of which we got here at Key West. But trouble has managed to find us here as well. And now this, trying to take away our guns.

"There has to be something, some detail that slipped from my mind, there has to be a clue in all these events that have happened damnit... " I muttered to myself trying hard to remember what is slipping from my mind when I remembered something that might be trivial but it could be my key to get to some conclusion and snapped my finger

"Theo's dearest wifey! Of Course!" I should at least get her name, so that I can get my informants to get some more info on her, if not that, then at least the name of the place where they got married. I have to get one of my informants to start searching for the place where Theo got married. After making the phone calls and telling them to text me for further instructions as to where they should meet 'my secretary' to deliver the info, I started to talk to myself.

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