Chapter 9

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Ah! At last a fine morning in this penthouse.

I entered the kitchen to make my coffee.

For the past few days, there has been too much commotion in this house. Like there was this one time that their maid walked into Jasper's room and screamed like banshee. 

It literally took me all my willpower not to kill her when she said that she was surprised to see an unknown person in Jasper's room. 

The other day, Benjamin screamed in the living room and I ran there thinking someone had attacked the penthouse. And it wasn't that. 

When I asked why Benjamin screamed and when they answered the question, oh universe my anger was something anyone could see from the Himalayas in that moment.

 He was complaining just because everyone told him that it was his turn to make all the three meals and drop Chelsea at her school! 

At six fucking A.M! I literally shot one bullet in the penthouse and ran behind him just to hit him with a bullet. Marky and Jasper had a hard time restraining me.

And about three days ago, Chelsea went out without telling anyone a single word. Their first suspect was me. 

Of course, the person who wants your help with something that's important for them, will kidnap the person who is most precious to you when you are right in front of them! 

I shrugged when they accused me about this. Well, they have already ruined my mornings. This is nothing compared to that. 

And if I didn't do a thing why the fuck should I get riled up if I am accused. That would turn their suspension into sureness.

So, waking up to comfortable silence had me think if I was in one of those flashbacks I had before turning up at this place. I pinched myself and knew that this wasn't any delusion. I went to freshen up in the bathroom, happy about this.

Ah! Finally! I can sip my coffee in peace.

My coffee was ready. And that's when I heard a crash from outside.

"Or not." I muttered under my breath and went outside to see what this ruckus was all about.

And there I saw a man lying unconscious on the floor.  "What's going on and who is this?" I asked when everyone was too shocked to see the moron lying on the floor.

"This man was snooping around." Marco said as if it was obvious.

"Okay, but why are they looking as if they are seeing a ghost?" I asked and everyone looked at me in shock.

"You said that you have every single detail of us and you don't know who he is?" Benjamin asked.

"I never said that I know each and every fucking detail about you." I replied, shrugging.

"He has been trying to corner Chelsea for months now." Marco said angrily.

Jasper was about to go ahead and hit him when I held him back. "Whoa, Mr. Leader. He's already unconscious. We don't want to give him a death ticket."

"Her point is right. I can't always save your asses from legal matters. But what should we do with this person over here? I mean we can't let him be free around here." Benjamin said to everyone.

Jasper huffed. "I have a suggestion. Tie him and let him be in the storeroom till he wakes up again. And when he does, we can start the torture." I said and drank a sip of my coffee. 

I looked around to see if anything suspicious was going on. And that's when I saw a familiar person hiding and eavesdropping.

"And we should start giving classes to Chelsea on how she should fight-" I was suggesting when Jasper yelled, 

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